August 28, 2019
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: The Stow Lions Club assist our schools by performing vision and hearing screening of school children in selected grades from kindergarten to high school. Starting in mid – September and running through mid – October the District EyeMobile is brought to the schools in the Nashoba District and Hudson where volunteers screen the children for vision and hearing ability. Lions perform this, but we can always use additional help. The school day is split into two sessions, so no one is required to work a full day, nor work every day. The more volunteers we have the fewer times each individual is requested to work. It’s a great opportunity to see how great our younger generation really is! The testing machines are quite simple to operate and training can be arranged. For further information, contact Stow Lion Ed Tarnuzzer at: 978-897-8512 or email him at [email protected].
Nashoba School Committee reps from Stow are holding a listening session on Friday, Aug. 30 at Emma’s Cafe from 10:30-11:30am. This is an opportunity to share your ideas, questions and/or concerns with us as we start the new school year. Or, just feel free to come grab a coffee and say hello! Questions? Email [email protected].
The Annual Water Carnival Weekend sponsored by the Lake Boon Association will be held from Friday evening, Aug. 30 through Monday afternoon, Sept. 2. Most activities are held at the Town Beach/Pine Bluffs Recreation Area off Sudbury Road in Stow. Events are open and free of charge to Stow and Hudson residents. The Association offers these events in appreciation for the many friends who support the organization’s environmental, educational and civic programs during the year. Admission to the town beach Saturday, Sunday and Monday, is free.
Friday Night Aug. 30, 7:30-9:30 pm – Sunset at the Beach
Enjoy the sunset at Pine Bluffs Stow Town Beach, roast marshmallows and watch for the music boat about 9:30.
Friday Night Aug. 30, 7:30-11 pm – Music Boat & Lighting of the Lake
The music boat will begin in the second (south) basin at 7:30 pm, going around counter-clockwise and then into the first (north) basin about 9:15 pm going counterclockwise.
Saturday Aug. 31, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm Water Carnival Beach Day
Stow Town Beach/Pine Bluffs Recreation Area: Canoe and Field races, children’s entertainment, swimming races and beach games. Bring a picnic or purchase grilled lunch.
Sunday Sept.1, 2:15 – 4:00 Annual Decorated Boat Parade
The parade begins at the First Basin Narrows Buoy with registration on the water before 2:15 pm, and continues counter-clockwise around the first (north) basin and then to the second (south) basin. Off-lake residents can view the boat parade at the Stow Town Beach about 2:30 pm.
Monday Sept. 2, 2:00 – 4:00 Sailing Regatta
During Labor Day quiet hours and weather permitting, join other sailors for informal cruising and ad hoc racing in the first basin beginning at the Pine Point buoy. Slow power boaters and landlubbers at the Town Beach are welcome to observe ‘the tall ships of Lake Boon’ in action.
On Sunday, Sept. 1, at 10am, First Parish Church of Stow and Acton (FPC), Unitarian Universalist, will hold the last of its lay-led summer services. Members of FPC’s Climate Change Task Force will focus on what we know, what environmental future we want for our children and our grandchildren, and as UUs how we can help to achieve it. FPC’s summer services have been focusing on the seven Unitarian Universalist principles, as well as several of the big theological questions that Unitarian Universalists tend to ruminate on. This service focuses on the seventh UU principle: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. Child care will be provided.
FPC warmly welcomes gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. FPC’s facilities are wheelchair accessible. For more information, visit www.fpc-stow-acton.org. The church is located at 353 Great Rd.
The next meeting of the Stow Garden Club will be on Wednesday, Sept. 4 @ 7pm @ the Community Center, 509 Great Rd. The first meeting of the year will be a “gathering” and the announcement of the upcoming 2019-2020 program featuring 3-4 presentations, special holiday events, plant sale and discussion of possible civic beautification projects. The new leadership team will also be announced. The meeting is open to all and your interest and participation in what we do for the Town of Stow is welcomed. Refreshments also included.
Guest Table, a community supper in Stow, serves dinner on the first Friday of each month at First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC). Doors open at 5pm. Guest Table welcomes everyone, in or out of Stow, whether they’re looking for a sense of community, are feeling lonely, are having financial difficulties, or just want a change of atmosphere. There’s no charge for dinner, but donations are gratefully accepted. Dinners will be nut free, with gluten-free and dairy-free options available. The next meal will be offered on Sept. 6 from 5:30 to 6:30 at FPC’s Fellowship Hall.
FPC is located at 353 Great Rd. Its facilities are wheelchair accessible. Guest Table is always looking for volunteers, so if you’d like to help out, contact [email protected]. This program is supported in part by grants from the Stow Community Chest and the Acton-Boxborough United Way.
The Pete Seeger 100th Birthday Songfest, featuring Jim Scott, will be held on Saturday, Sept. 14, at 7:30pm, at First Parish Church of Stow and Acton (FPC). Composer, guitarist, and singer Scott is a musical activist who creates and performs music that celebrates the earth. As a member of the Paul Winter Consort, he co-wrote “Missa Gaia – Earth Mass.” His compositions include the hymn “Gather the Spirit,” and he compiled and arranged “The Earth and Spirit Songbook: An Anthology of Songs Celebrating Earth and Peace.”
The concert is sponsored by Friends of Rev. Ilene Tompkins-Gillispie as a benefit for their former intern minister at FPC, who was recently diagnosed with multiple medical issues. Tickets are $17 in advance and $20 at the door. Advance tickets are available at BrownPaperTickets.com. For more information, email [email protected] or call Peter at 978-549-3066.
Don’t you love the emergence of snow drops, the glow of spring daffodils, the color splash of tulips? Order your spring bulbs now through Sept. 21 from Stow Garden Club’s Bulb Sale! Order sheets are available from any SGC member or contact Susan Choyce at [email protected] or 978-897-0720. Bulbs will be available for pick up or delivery mid-October. Ideal planting time is from Halloween to Thanksgiving. Funds raised are used for educational programs, scholarships and civic beautification. You can also be a Garden Angel by making a tax-deductible donation toward bulbs which will be added to the Head Memorial Garden for a splash of spring color at the Randall Library.
In 1992, Alice Eaton, a former resident of Stow, bequeathed funds for the purpose of improving the health, safety and enrichment of Stow children, from birth through age 12. The Alice Eaton Fund Committee is currently seeking grant applications from organizations with projects consistent with the Fund’s mission. The application deadline is Sept. 24. Visit our website at eatonfund.org for details.
Apply Now! Nashoba Integrated Preschools still has availability for the upcoming 2019/2020 school year. Call for availability in the Lancaster, Bolton or Stow locations. Contact: Linda Milton, 978-779-0539 x3012.
The Nashoba Community Partnership for Children is excited to provide FREE WEEKLY PLAYGROUPS for residents of Bolton, Lancster & Stow for children ages 2-5 years old residents of Bolton, Lancaster and Stow. Registration open through Wednesday, Sept. 4. Session 1 Playgroups will be held weekly September 2019 through January 2020. Priority will be given to families who have not previously registered. Playgroups are limited to 15 children per location and families may only register for one location. Please contact [email protected] to receive a registration link.
Backyard Bolton Farmers Market 2019 highlights small and backyard farms, and small batch product producers and artisans from Bolton and surrounding towns. There continues to be new vendors signing up, adding to an already great variety of vendors. Attendees will find local musicians to go along with the local produce, locally made food, and artisan goods. There will also be an ice cream truck on site for a cool treat while shopping. Looking forward to seeing everyone on the Bolton Town Common, between 10am and 1pm, on Saturday Sept. 7.
Join us for 2019 Fall Ball this September
Nashoba Girls Lacrosse will run a 5-week skill building lacrosse clinic this fall. The program will run on Wednesdays from 5:30 to 6:30pm at the Horse Ring field in Bolton. Sessions begin on Sept. 11 and end Oct. 9. Deadline for registration is Sept. 10
The cost is $40.00 per player. A sibling discount will be offered. Registrants are required to be a member of US Lacrosse, which is in addition to the registration fee. Minimal equipment is needed (a stick, goggles and mouth guard). Registration is open for all girls in grades K-8! This is a perfect opportunity for beginners to try lacrosse prior to our spring season. Returning players can strengthen their skills and invite a friend to show them the sport. To register, please visit www.nashobagirlslax.org
The Massachusetts Chapter of The TEARS Foundation is hosting its fourth annual Rock & Walk for Babies at Nashoba Regional High School. Last year’s event raised more than $35,000 and the event organizers have high hopes to raise more this year to fund the newly opened Center for Child Loss, as well as resource programs to benefit local Massachusetts families who have experienced pregnancy, infant or child loss. The Rock & Walk for Babies is the signature fundraising event for the organization. Registered participants walk in honor of a child, or simply in support of others. The event will be held from 9am to 1pm on Sunday, Sept. 22 at Nashoba Regional High School, 12 Green Rd. For more information, to register or donate, visit https://give.thetearsfoundation.org/Massachusetts2019 today. Registered participants who raise $500 or more can qualify to have their child’s name engraved on the Angel of Hope Monument in Hyannis, MA. Registration for the event is $10 for adults and children 13 and older. Children 12 and younger are free.
The Merchants mixed bowling league at Harvard lanes in Harvard is currently looking for new members to join this fun, yet competitive candlepin league.we are open to men and women of any skill level. You can join as an individual, couple or bring in your own team of three bowlers. This is a cash prize league with an end of season awards banquet. We begin Wednesday Sept. 4, 7pm and run through March. Come join us and have some fun and meet new people. Any information contact league president Scott Bulger at 978 512 9669 or email [email protected]
Assabet Valley Camera Club, now going into its 34th year as a Hudson-based photography organization, meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from September through early June. Currently AVCC has over 50 members of all ages, with both amateur and professional experience, from 15 different communities in the greater Metro West area. Anyone interested in photography and expanding their pictorial skills is welcome to attend the next meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 4. Following a short business meeting, the evening’s program will feature a “Members’ Showcase”, where individuals will briefly present their photographic images based on a theme or highlights of their summer experiences.
AVCC meetings are held in the Great Room at the Hudson Senior Center, 29 Church St., Hudson, and officially begin at 7:30pm. AVCC welcomes anyone interested in learning more about photography as a visual art and its practical application as a science. Members benefit from the hands-on experiences, from the knowledge presented in programs, and from having their work critiqued. For more information check out the AVCC website at assabetvalleycc.com or contact John Gill, club president, at 978-293-5192.
At Congregation B’nai Torah, 225 Boston Post Rd., Sudbury. Friday, Sept. 6 is our first Shabbat back in Sudbury after a summer of great Shabbat services on the beach. Our Shabbat Mishpacha (Family) service will begin at 6:30pm but an exciting treat begins at 5pm – a petting zoo complete with baby goats, milking goats, chickens, ducks and bunnies. Also, from 5:30 to 6:30pm, our Brotherhood is sponsoring our Welcome Back barbecue. So come to play with animals, have a nice dinner, and enjoy a short Shabbat service. Following the service, Andrew Levine, shofar in hand, will lead a class on how to blow shofar. We will provide shofars for those who are interested; come learn the proper technique to prepare for the upcoming high holidays.
This event is free and we welcome members, friends and anyone interested in learning more about our community. For more information, visit www.bnaitorah.com.
The Apple Pie Baking Contest is back
at the Maynard Farmers’ Market on Sept. 7 with proceeds going to Open
Table. Pies baked with local apples must be delivered to the market in
disposable tins by 9am on the contest day. There is an entrance fee and the
pies will be offered for tastings for a donation after the judging. For details
check out the Farmers’ Market facebook page with the contest flyer. https://www.facebook.com/events/1369015499940949/
The Skylight Astronomical Society presents Star Gazing at the Riverside Rod and Gun Club, Hudson, on Saturday, Sept. 7, from Dusk until 10pm. Come see Jupiter, Saturn, and possibly Neptune. Check out the mountains and craters on the Moon. The Piscid Meteor shower, while not as frequent or intense as the Perseids, may peak at a rate as high as 10 per hour
The weather has caused us to cancel our last three events so be sure to check before you come. For cancellation information, due to bad weather or clouds, see http://www.sasobservatory.org.
Sponsorships are now available for this year’s Habitat for Humanity North Central MA’s 7th Annual Building Dreams Golf Tournament. The event will be held at Shaker Hills Country Club in Harvard on Tuesday, Sept. 15. All proceeds from this event will benefit the work of Habitat for Humanity NCM, for building and repairing affordable homes throughout the organization’s 25 towns and cities in the region. Sponsorship opportunities for the golf event are still available and local businesses and organizations are encouraged to apply.
Individuals interested in golfing at the event can sign up as foursomes ($640), groups of three ($505), pairs ($345) or singles ($185) on Habitat NCM’s website. The shotgun start is at 9am. Registration begins at 7:30am. Multiple Contests on the course are available to participants looking to snag bragging rights, trophies and pro shop prizes. A silent auction will also be featured. To register for the event, please visit the Habitat for Humanity North Central MA website. Deadline to register is Aug. 30.
Register Seven Bridge Writers’ Collaborative for one of five free writing groups meeting in Lancaster or Littleton to spur the muses and connect writers with one another. Information about the groups and their facilitators can be found at https://sevenbridge.org/seven-bridge-sessions/groups/writing-groups/.Groups are free to the public but registration is first come, first served. Online registration is at https://sevenbridge.org/seven-bridge-sessions/groups/writing-groups/writing-group-registration/.
Domestic Violence Services Network, Inc. (DVSN) is a community-based organization that works in collaboration with the Police Departments of its 12 member towns (including Stow), Hanscom AFB, Concord District Court, and Emerson Hospital to combat Domestic Violence. DVSN Advocates provide direct service to domestic violence survivors.Our 3-week, 40-hour classroom training is held at the Concord Police Depart. Oct. 29 through Nov. 16. Classroom training sessions are scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30pm – 9:30pm (one Wednesday evening session due to Halloween), and Saturdays from 9am – 3:30pm. Another 12 to 14 hours of supervised field training will take place after successful completion of the classroom segment.
Call (978) 318-3421 or email [email protected] for more information and/or to request an application. Applications are due no later than Oct. 22.