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Stow TV Schedule for Sept. 7 – 20
Comcast 8/Verizon 32
Programming is now live streaming at
Bulletin background Music- Between the Rivers at SpringFest 2022

Sustainable Stow-Old Frog Pond Farm Talk- August 2023* (28 min)
Sustainable Stow and Stow TV go to Harvard’s Old Frog Pond Farm to learn about the challenges of growing apples organically.

Mon, Wed, Fri &  Sun  at 8 pm
Tues. Thurs, Sat at 1pm & 5:15 pm

Flo Goes to Stow Fire Dept Touch-A-Truck Event August 2023* (51 min)
“Air Flo” goes to Stow’s third Touch-A-Truck event
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun  at 4 pm
Tues. Thurs, Sat at 12 pm & 5:45 pm

Terrance Simien and the Zydeco Experience at Maynard Memorial Park 8-17-23* (1 hr 46 min)

As Mark, the Maynard Library children’s librarian, says- “Ya gonna wanna dance!”
Mon, Wed, Fri &  Sun  at 12:15 pm & 9pm
Tues. Thurs, Sat at 11pm

Matteo Faso Piano Performance 8-10* (20 min)
Matteo entertains the Stow seniors at this COA event
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun at 3 pm
Tues. Thurs, Sat at 11 am

COA Armchair Travel- French Polynesia- Susan and Joe Tamker 8-15-23* (64 min)
Dolphins, Crabs, and Stingrays…Oh My!

Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun  at 11 am
Tues. Thurs, Sat at 4 pm & 6:45 pm

Gloucester Story* – A play performance by the Sea 8-13-23
Stow’s Lynn Colletti films a live performance in and of Gloucester!
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun 5:30 pm & 11 pm
 Tues. Thurs, Sat at 8:30 pm

Benjamin Doty Eagle Scout Ceremony 8-25-23* (24  min)
Stow Troop 1’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun  at 5 pm & 8:30 pm
Tues. Thurs, Sat at 8 pm

Randall Library Baking w/Apples – guest chef Karren Collins 11.7.19 (56 min)
It’s apple season! Here’s help on how to bake them…
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun at 9 am
Tues. Thurs, Sat at 3 pm

Get Healthy with Holly – Gotcha Matcha – March 2023 (22 min)
Holly speaks with Karen Whitcomb about exercise, and makes some tasty recipes using Matcha
Mon, Wed, Fri & Sun at 7:30 am
Tues, Thurs, Sat at 1:30 pm

Exercise with Terry
filmed in the Stow Pompo Community Building
Stow COA Senior Fitness Class* (50 min)
Mon, Wed, Fri & Sun at 2 pm
Tues, Thurs, Sat  at 10 am
Stow COA Stretch-Flex Class*  (55 min)
Mon, Wed, Fri & Sun at 10 am
Tues, Thurs, Sat  at 2 pm

Sunday Worship Services
6 am-
Trinity Bolton – Every Day at 6:00am
8 am- First Parish Church of Stow & Acton- Every day at 8am

* Also available on YouTube – StowTVNow