NRHS After Prom Party Fundraisers Please help the NRHS Junior class have a safe and fun Prom night by supporting the After Prom Party being held at Nashoba Regional High School. On May 4 we team up with Bertucci’s, Solomon Pond Mall, all day, dine in or take out, a percentage of your meals is…
WHAT’S IN THE FUTURE FOR THE RANDALL LIBRARY? The Randall Library Friends will host a screening on Wednesday, April 20, of the WCVB (Channel 5) Chronicle program “New Life for Libraries” that was aired in February. The show explores how public libraries have revamped and redefined their role as a community resource and a community…
STOW GARDEN SPRING PRESENTATION Do you have a flower or window box(s) or would like to have one? You don’t need to be a “Gardener” to add this wonderful touch to your home. Just attend our next presentation, which will fill you with some wonderful, practical ideas and add beauty to your home. This meeting…
How Executive Skills Create Successful Students Executive functioning is a term used to describe the tasks our brains perform that are necessary to think, act, and solve problems. Does your child have difficulty getting started on a long-term assignment? Is she easily distracted and disorganized? Join us on Wednesday, March 23, beginning at 7pm, at…
Upcoming Events at the Randall Library in March (For more details check out Saturday, March 19, 2:30pm, “The Women of King Phillip’s War”- National Women’s History Month Presentation: Journalist and historian Edward Lodi will lecture on the intriguing and courageous women involved in the great American conflict known as King Philip’s War. Considered the…
Preparing to Buy a Home? Join us at a home buying seminar at Family Federal Savings at 148 Great Rd., on Thursday, March 10, from 6:30 – 8pm. Key success factors in buyer a home will be revealed; how to find and evaluate your ideal home, understanding negotiations and the home buyer process, financing options…
stow garden club FREE PRESENTATION The Stow Garden Club will be Wednesday, March 2, at the Union Church at 7pm. Our guest speaker will be Maria von Brincken presenting Classical Vertical Gardening. She is an award-winning certified designer celebrating her 20th year in the professional practice. She will be presenting a power point lecture about vines…
Stow Democratic Town Committee events The Stow Democratic Town Committee has three upcoming events. The monthly meeting will take place Wednesday, Feb. 24, at 7:15pm at Randall Library. New members welcome. The annual caucus to elect delegates to the MA Democratic convention will take place Saturday, Feb. 27, from 2-4 pm at Randall Library. All…
Girl Scout Cookies Are Here! The Stow Girls Scouts will be selling at Shaw’s Feb. 20 and 21. Stop by to get all your favorites! Thin Mints, Caramel de Lites, Peanut Butter Patties, Shortbread, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Lemonades, Thanks-A-Lot, and Cranberry Citrus Crisps, America’s favorite cookies, are only $5 per box. Cookie sales help support…
stow garden club make and take The Stow Garden Club invites you to our next meeting at 7pm on Wednesday, February 3, at the Union Church of Stow, 317 Great Rd. The ever-popular Make and Take will be the evening’s fun activity. We are planning a Valentine’s theme, so bring a vase and clippers so…