by Ann Needle
At last Wednesday’s Tri-Town meeting in Bolton, Nashoba Regional officials fielded enough opposition to its proposed budget that the planned vote on it may be postponed.
Randall Library Friends After all the snow and cold, do you have cabin fever? The Randall Library Friends recommends an antidote: Visit a museum. The library has several passes that will give you discounted (sometimes free) admission to a number of great places: Museum of Science, Drumlin Farm, Tower Hill, EcoTarium. Stop into the library, or…
While there wasn’t a heavy turnout of voters on Saturday, a majority of those that did come to the polls voted in the new Fire Station/Community Center project at the site of the former Pompo School. Congratulations to Nashoba’s hockey team on their first division win since 1980. Best of luck to the team going…
Subscribe for Home Delivery Along with the articles featured on our website, you will find the following in this week’s print edition: School Budgets Primary Focus of Selectmen Tuesday night’s Selectmen’s meeting dealt primarily with budgets and taxes, though the board did voice support for 26 new acres added to Stow conservation land along…
By Michael James LeClair
The Nashoba Regional girls’ basketball team’s bid for perfection came to an end on Sunday evening.
by Ann Needle
As stage shows go, it has a relatively light story line and the music isn’t complex. But Nashoba Regional High School’s production of Peter Pan, opening March 13, could be its most storied production in years, thanks to something the audience will (hopefully) never see.
by Ann Needle
With the Nashoba School District facing its biggest budget hike in 8 years, administration spent much of last Wednesday’s School Committee meeting defending the proposal.
Stow Garden Club TALKS SPRING The next meeting of the Stow Garden Club will be Wednesday, March 4, at the Union Church at 7pm. Barbara MacPhee, beekeeper and speaker from Holden, will be presenting “The Buzz on Honeybees”. The presentation includes bee family life, interactions, home and products, as well as current dilemmas facing bees and…