Lake Boon Water Carnival participants enjoyed perfect weather for last weekend‘s beach activities. Hosted by the Lake Boon Association, the town was invited to take advantage of the lake ‘s offerings before kids head back to school next week. Courtesy David Gray
Bob Wilber is stepping down as Community Preservation Committee Chairman. Seen here with new CPC Chairman Kathy Sferra, Wilber was recognized Monday night by representatives of town boards and committees for his many years of service to the community and the many accomplishments of the committee under his direction. Nancy Arsenault
Karen Kelleher, Linda Hathaway and Nancy McPherson brought The Stow Independent to the Bruce Springsteen concert at Fenway Park on August 15.
During Kathy Myles’ two week exotic trip around Morocco with her sister, Heidi, she took the Stow Independent on a camel ride on the Sahara Desert to a Nomad camp which was near their campsite.