Energy Efficiency at Selectmen’s
At Tuesday night’s Selectmen’s meeting, the Board approved moving forward with an energy efficiency audit of the Town Building and the Stow Police Station. Arnie Epstein of the Stow Energy Working Group informed the Board that Hudson Light & Power has recently increased incentives that make looking at any potential energy savings in public buildings a worthwhile exploration.
Pilot Grove Expansion To Break Ground
By Nancy Arsenault
The Stow Community Housing Corp., is expecting to break ground in May on their long awaited expansion of Pilot Grove Apartments overlooking West Acton Road and Pilot Grove Farm. SCHC Directors anticipate that 30 new apartments will be ready to rent out in late 2013 and early 2014, completing a project that was approved by voters at a November 2009 Special Town Meeting.
Finding Pippa
By Ann Needle
While Stow sees its fair share of missing dog stories, they don’t always have a happy ending, and sometimes no ending at all. One Stow family wants to make sure that the whole story is heard, including their gratitude after being reunited with their dog thanks to countless community members who kept a watch for the erstwhile pup over her 5-day travels.
Old Stow Ice Skating Venues
By Lew Halprin
According to a study at the University of Oxford, the earliest ice-skating happened in Finland about 4000 years ago, originally using a flattened bone to slide on the ice. Later, in the 13th century, the Dutch used steel blades with sharpened edges to skate on the ice, rather than glide on the ice, giving much better control.
Nashoba Robotics Start the 2013 Season
Stow Community Park’s Ice Skating Rink Schedule
Nashoba Varsity Sports Scoreboard
Letters to the Editor