Capital Projects Still Alive
The Selectmen last night agreed to appoint an Oversight Committee to monitor a reevaluation of the three municipal capital projects that had failed at the Special Town Meeting in November. The Board also received a preliminary budget proposal for FY2014 from Town Administrator Bill Wrigley…
Snow Road Truckers
The Blizzard of 2103 left as much as 30 inches of snow at the town Highway Barn, and a mix of amounts in the upper 20s at other locations, with drifting being the variable, according to Highway Asst. Superintendent Scott Morse.
The Stow Police and Fire Chiefs credit the mandatory driving ban for keeping the roads accident free during the storm. The lighter weight snow prevented trees and limbs from coming down and no power outages were reported…
Flip That House
For David Ellis, 24, a sluggish real estate market spells opportunity. The full-time plumber and Stow native recently bought a 1949 Cape on Red Acre Road that appeared, on the surface, more tear down than fixer upper…
Hale Hawks Keep Improving
The theme for the Hale Hawks boys’ basketball team may have been scripted by NBA Hall of famer Elgin Baylor. Baylor said, “Every time you compete, try harder to improve on your last performance. Give nothing short of your very best effort.” The team is straddling a .500 season with a 6-6 record, but the team is embodying Baylor’s words, gaining confidence and skills as a team and as players…
Past Tense
Stow Community Park’s Ice Skating Rink Schedule
Letters to the Editor
And more!