People talk about the “Power of the Press,” but these days it seems iffy whether that power is used for good or …. not. We’ve seen a bit of both this past week in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings and the subsequent capture of those responsible.
With news outlets struggling to keep up with the lightning speed of social media, there is far less fact checking and verification and far more “on the fly” reporting, even from credible news sources, leading to rumors becoming headlines and facts being “changed” within hours, and sometimes far less.
While releasing the photos of the suspects led to their capture (a good thing), in the meantime, several innocent people also had their photos distributed worldwide as suspects, based on not much more than their appearance and a backpack (not a good thing). I hope that mainstream media will realize that being the fastest doesn’t mean a thing when the info you’re sending out is just plain wrong. And I hope people will stop believing everything they read on the internet.
We caught up with Stow’s Greg Hill, who has used his own power of the press – or in this case, the airwaves- as a longtime Boston DJ with a large fan base to raise funds for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings and their families. Hill’s Greg Hill Foundation is a registered non-profit that gives the donated money directly to those in verified need and does so quickly, when the need arises, not months later. He’s already given out over $93,000 to bombing victims and families. Read more about how the money has already helped many and how you can donate.
Included inside this week’s print edition is the Annual Town Meeting Warrant. While it may be difficult to digest all the information contained, it’s important for people to be informed about the decisions that will be made at the May 6 meeting. Nancy also gives an overview of the warrant articles and the town budget in her article on page 1. And don’t forget to vote this coming Tuesday, April 30 at the Center School in the Special State Primary Election and the Stow Town Election.
It’s been an interesting and exhausting week, but a week to be proud of our state and our country, unifying in tragedy and helping each other move on.
Cyndy Bremer, managing editor; [email protected]