Congratulations to the winners in the Annual Town Election. While there were no contested races in Stow, those that stepped up to the plate to volunteer their time and energy to helping to run the town should still be celebrated and appreciated.
The May Annual Town Meeting is this coming Monday, May 6. It feels a bit out of whack to have the election first and then Town Meeting, but it doesn’t make Town Meeting any less important. Please let your voice be heard and help make the decisions that will steer the town’s future.
We were invited to speak at the Lions Club monthly meeting last week. Nancy, unfortunately, had other commitments and couldn’t attend, but I was treated to a nice dinner and good conversation prior to explaining how the paper is produced.
It’s a very nice group of hard working people that do a lot for the community. I hope people will continue to support them and consider joining their efforts.
As I sat working very early this morning, I began writing about how much I can get done in those peaceful hours before anyone else wakes up and the bustling of the day begins. As a longtime work-at-home mom I’ve perfected the art of tuning out the daily noises and distractions when needed, responding only to blood, vomit and screams of near death… and coincidentally, just as I was typing that, my son came in with a bloody nose. It wasn’t serious and he used his Boy Scout training to take care of it, but I must say, it did end my self-congratulatory musings.
Cyndy Bremer, managing editor; [email protected]