Happy First Day of School to all the parents out there! For some, it’s a sad day, watching their children go off to school, maybe for the first year, maybe for the last year. For others, the joy of some free time and not hearing “I’m bored” 52 times per day is cause for celebration. Great, big celebration.
Ellen Oliver attended last Thursday’s concert at Stow Community Park sponsored by the Recreation Department. She gives readers a rundown of the event and a peak into what to expect at the next concert, this Thursday night, weather-permitting. It’s too bad the original date was rained out and it will now be on a school night, but with a 6:00PM start, there should be plenty of time to enjoy the music.
We’re glad to see Jordana Bieze Foster back to cover football again this year. This week, she brings a preview of the Chieftains’ upcoming season with opportunities for some new faces to shine.
Does anyone even know it’s Labor Day Weekend coming up? I almost forgot! I absolutely hate this back-to-school-before-Labor-
And don’t let this be your last home-delivered issue! Renew your subscription now!
Cyndy Bremer, managing editor, editor@stowindependent.com