Stow Lake Boon residents at the US Hockey Hall of Fame induction ceremony with the Stow independent! Holding the paper is Hall of Fame inductee Cindy Curley of Stow.
Alex Herrmann and her Standard Poodle ‘Cody’ took the Stow Independant to the Eukanuba National Dog Show in Orlando, Florida where they competed in the Junior Handling competition in December! The entire family also enjoyed vacation time at Seaworld and Disney!
Zachary Randolph & his Stow Independent took a tour around the Statue of Liberty during a pre-Christmas trip to New York City. He saw all the tourist spots from Ellis Island, the Empire State building, Rockefeller Center and the great Christmas tree, Times Square, the Museum of Natural History and more.
Ethan, Joshua, Benjamin and Maia of STOW visiting STOWE,VT with an E!