Proud to Have Collings as a Neighbor
Upon my arrival to this area, I questioned the sound coming from the Collings Foundation. After understanding that it was a local man, his family and organization that was dedicated to preserving our history, I was astonished when I read the dissent and criticism in the local newspaper.
Because of the brave men who flew the aircraft that the Collings Foundation is attempting to preserve and display for the general public, we enjoy our freedoms. We live in a country where we don’t have to run for cover when we hear an airplane approaching.
It stands to reason that if some of our youth had an opportunity to view the machines that protected our freedom, to learn the stories of the great men who flew the airplanes and operated those machines, perhaps they would be more inclined to appreciate the sacrifices our military made then and is still making to keep the horror of war from our shores. Our inconvenience is minimal in comparison to the price they payed. We should not be allowed to forget.
It would seem to me that we should be proud to be a neighbor of such a venue.
Mary Redfield, Stow
Thank you from the Stow Food Pantry; Donations and Volunteers Still Needed
We at the Stow Food Pantry have much to be thankful this spring. People gave generously to the Pantry to help meet our goals with regards to the Feinstein Challenge. We received generous donations to add to our pantry, several places held food drives for us to help us achieve our goals. Girl Scout Troop 72523 held their annual Shaw’s food drive during this period and was very successful in soliciting donations from shoppers. We collected many financial contributions from private sources as well.
At this time the Stow Food Pantry would also like to thank the Stow Community Chest and the Stow Women’s Club for their continued support throughout all the years. We recently were remiss in publicly thanking them and their wonderful contributions to our organization.
As we head into the summer months traditionally our donations tail off and we are in need of your help. Our pantry sees many families with students who are on the ‘free lunch’ program at school and now that they are home they will need food. Please consider providing some ‘child friendly’ food for a child in need. You can place the items into the boxes at either Shaw’s or the Stow Post Office.
Got a huge vegetable harvest? Too many zukes? Cukes? Tomatoes? We will gladly take your extra garden vegetables. Our clients love fresh produce. As our refrigerator space is at a premium we ask that you check the web and find out when we have the pantries scheduled so we can use it promptly. You may also call us and leave a message.
If you or anyone else in your family would like to help out at the Pantry, the Thursday night stocking sessions at the First Parish Church are a great way to get involved. We sort the donations from 4 until we are finished, the evening prior to a pantry. Please check our website for upcoming Pantry dates, in the section marked Volunteer.
Do you need some help from the Stow Food Pantry? Do you currently receive WIC or SNAP program benefits? Has your situation changed and you could use some food? Please call us and leave a message and be assured you are in confidential hands, we are here to serve you. No one in Stow should go hungry.
Thank you Stow for continuing to show us you care for those in need.
Amanda L. Bennett
President, Stow Food Pantry