Gladys McClellan with teachers Maura Sheehan (left) and Lisa Wallat (right) at a recent student-driven All School Assembly at Center School honoring Gladys for her many hours of volunteer work at the school.Gladys and Guy Beaudette brought The Stow Independent to Harlingen, Texas, for the graduation of their grandson, Joseph Sisto. Joe graduated from Harlingen High School on May 29, 14th in a class of 547. He will enroll in Boston University in the fall.Julia, Natalie, and Kristen Straub are so excited about all the sea glass surrounding them on Black Bay Beach, Bermuda, that they don’t know what side is up! The beach was covered in inches of amazingly colored sea glass—what treasures!Laura Reiner and Guy Washburn escaped the endless winter to visit family in Santa Barbara in March.