Breaking News

Calendar March 2, 2016

stow garden club FREE PRESENTATION
The Stow Garden Club will be Wednesday, March 2, at the Union Church at 7pm. Our guest speaker will be Maria von Brincken presenting Classical Vertical Gardening.  She is an award-winning certified designer celebrating her 20th year in the professional practice. She will be presenting a power point lecture about vines that flower up and around. The slides will show historical and modern gardens and examples of individual plants. Visit her website @ . Contact Susan Pauley for any further information you might need, at 978-568-8049. All are welcome: You do not need to be a Garden Club member to attend this presentation.

NRHS Rising Freshman Open House
Nashoba Regional High School will be hosting an information night for rising 9th graders and their parents on Wednesday, March 2, from 6pm to 8pm, starting in the high school auditorium. This night will be an opportunity for rising 9th graders and their parents to see the high school, hear about academic programs and extracurricular opportunities, meet department heads, and tour the building. It will also be an opportunity for parents to learn about the high school course registration process. We hope to see you there! NRHS is located at 12 Green Rd., Bolton.

Hale MIDDLE SCHOOL Presents ‘Bye Bye Birdie’
Hale Middle School presents “Bye Bye Birdie” Friday and Saturday March 4 and 5 at 7:30 and Sunday, March 6 at 2pm in the Hale Auditorium. The show, set in 1950s New York City and Sweet Apple, Ohio, won the Tony Award in 1961 for Best Musical. The story features many song and dance numbers, as  the actors tell the tale of much adored rock and roll star, Conrad Birdie and his fans.  Tickets can be purchased at the door  for $10 for adults and $5 for seniors and students. This program is supported in part by a grant from the Stow Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.

Guest Table Community Supper
Guest Table, a community supper in Stow, serves dinner on the first Friday of each month at First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC). Guest Table welcomes everyone, in or out of Stow, whether they’re looking for a sense of community, are feeling lonely, are having some financial difficulties, or just want a change of atmosphere. There’s no charge for dinner, but donations are gratefully accepted. Dinners will be nut free, with gluten-free and dairy-free options available. The next meal will be offered March 4 from 5:30 to 6:30pm at FPC’s Fellowship Hall. FPC is located at 353 Great Rd. Its facilities are wheelchair accessible. For more information, contact

 24 Hours for the Lord Project
On April 11, 2015, Pope Francis announced “an extraordinary jubilee, a Holy Year of Mercy that is to have God’s mercy at its center.” Pope Francis has asked that churches all around the world offer 24 Hours for the Lord on the Friday and Saturday of the weekend of the 3rd Sunday of Lent. The Apple Valley Collaborative – St. Isidore, Stow, and St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Acton –  liturgy, faith formation, and youth ministry teams have come together to plan a very special 24 Hours for the Lord project.

Our focus for the event is based on the theme “Merciful like the Father.” We will have  events in both parishes that will offer prayer, Reconciliation, adoration, works of mercy, and community. Light hospitality will be offered. Everyone is welcome to attend! There will be planned events and open times for prayer at St. Isidore and St. Elizabeth from Friday, March 4 at 6pm to Saturday, March 5, at 6pm. Please see for details.

Family Concert with Liz Buchanan
Noted children’s musician Liz Buchanan will perform a family concert at First Parish Church, 353 Great Rd., on Saturday, March 5, from 3 to 4:30pm. Liz is a two-time Parents’ Choice Award winner who’s about to release her fourth album of lively, danceable music for kids and families. Come hear Liz’s rocking songs about celebrating the earth, finding Very Hungry Caterpillars and confronting a T-Rex! Admission is $5 per child; tickets will be available at and at the door. All children must be accompanied by an adult. FPC’s facilities are wheelchair accessible. For further information, see or call 978-274-2593.

Preparing to Buy a Home?
Join us at a home buying seminar at Family Federal Savings at 148 Great Rd., on Thursday, March 10, from 6:30 – 8pm. Key success factors in buyer a home will be revealed; how to find and evaluate your ideal home, understanding negotiations and the home buyer process, financing options for every type of home and home buyer, understanding credit and overcoming road blocks. Register at or contact Family Federal Savings at 978-897-3211.

nashoba cpr marathon
The Nashoba Cadet EMTs will be hosting their biannual 24-hour CPR Marathon at Nashoba Regional High School from 5pm on Friday, March 11, to 5 pm on Saturday, March 12. The cadet EMTs will preform continuous CPR for 24 hours to raise money for the Pierino Bonazzoli Scholarship, awarded to two deserving senior EMTs. The event will be open to the public from 5pm-10pm on March 11 and from 9am-5pm on March 12. There will be games and challenges for kids as well as blood pressure readings and raffle prizes for all ages.

Publishing Networking Group Meeting
The next Publishing Group Networking meeting takes place Saturday, March 12, 10:30am, at the Randall Library. The guest speaker will be screenwriter Scott Anderson who has been teaching screenwriting since 1993, beginning at U Mass Lowell and currently at Emerson College, where his “Business of Screenwriting” course was the first ever offered at the college level. He is currently the Creative Director for Johnston Media LLC, NY.

This is a public meeting open to anyone interested in the publishing field. For more information, please contact Eileen Kramer at

Nashoba Baseball 14th Annual Baseball Clinic
Nashoba Regional High School Athletics staff will hold its annual Baseball Clinic for local youth on Saturday, March 12 (snow date March 13), at NRHS, 12 Green Rd., Bolton. Two sessions are available: 9am – 12pm (register at 8:30am if not pre-registered) or 1pm – 4pm (register at 12:30pm if not pre-registered). Sign up for one or both! Kids are separated into 3 age groups:  5- 7 yrs., 8-10 yrs., or 11-13 yrs. Quality instruction will be given on all aspects of the game and emphasis will be on fundamentals and team play. Kids from everywhere are welcome!

The  cost is $40 for one session or $65 for both with pre-registration (includes a t-shirt!), or  $45 for one session or $70 for both if registering that day (can’t guarantee spot if not pre-registered.) After March 7 there is no more mail in registration. After March 7 please contact Coach Schoolcraft (508-561-4268 or cschoolcraft to get your son/daughter in the data base and then bring this registration form on Saturday. Checks are made payable to Nashoba Booster Club. Please mail registrations to Nashoba Regional High School, 12 Green Rd., Bolton, MA, 01740, Attn: Coach Schoolcraft.All proceeds from this clinic support the NRHS Baseball teams.

Sing Along at Randall Library
Ed Morgan, a Stow resident and children’s singer/songwriter, brings a series of interactive children’s Sing Alongs, funded by a grant from the Stow Cultural Council, to the Community Room at the Randall Library. The first show will be Tuesday, March 15, at 1:30pm. Ed Morgan is better known in greater Boston simply as “The Music Man”. For over 10 years he has delighted kids and grown-ups alike with his interactive blend of original and traditional children’s songs. Singing and dancing for kids ages 1-99!

The Addams Family is coming to Nashoba High School     They’re creepy and they’re kooky, mysterious, and spooky…. America’s “ookiest” family takes to the Nashoba Regional High School stage in a sensational musical adaptation of cartoonist Charles Addams’ charming and macabre family.  Little Wednesday has grown up and found love with a young man who is (gasp!) “normal”.  She enlists the help of her father, Gomez, to ensure a dinner party for both sides of the family goes well and to gain her mother Morticia’s blessing. Little white lies and secrets lead to an evening that’s anything but normal!  Performances will take place on March 18 and 19 at 7:30 pm and March 20 at 2:00 pm at NRHS auditorium, 12 Green Road, Bolton. To order tickets in advance, please visit:

Book by Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice.  Music and Lyrics By Andrew Lippa.  Based on Characters Created by Charles Addams.  The Addams Family  is presented through special arrangement with and all authorized performance materials are supplied by Theatrical Rights Worldwide, 1180 Avenue of the Americas, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10036. (866) 378-9758 .  This performance is supported in part by a grant from the Stow Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.

Women in King Philip’s War
Come to the Randall Library on Saturday, March 19, at 2:30pm, to hear Edward Lodi talk about Women in King Philip’s War. Though often overlooked by historians, a number of remarkable women played major roles in King Philip’s War: making history-changing decisions, performing heroic deeds, enduring hardships, chronicling their experiences, lending support in innovative ways. Lodi rounds out his talk with accounts of what daily life was like for women in the settlements and on the frontier; the “stealth and stratagems” employed by Indian women acting as spies; restrictive laws and how some Englishwomen defied them; and the terrible vengeance wreaked by the women of Marblehead on two hapless captives. He welcomes questions during and after his talk; a book signing follows.

The talk is free. For more information contact the library at (978) 897-8572.

14th Annual Arts Buffet and Center School Art Show
Mark your calendars for a fun day of kids’ arts and crafts and the Center School Art Show on Saturday, March 19, from 11am—2pm  in the Center School gym. Pizza, baked goods, snacks, and water will be available for purchase.  Old favorites like marbleized shaving cream paper, shrinky-dinks, jetpacks, and a paper airplane construction station and test flight zone will be returning, but we also have many exciting new projects. This year we will be featuring a Spin Art machine, space dust painting, no-sew fleece pillows, glowing jars, airbrush painting, homemade wind chimes, pompom monsters, and even more projects targeted towards pre-K and elementary aged students! Admission is $6 per artist, with a family cap of $24.  If financial hardship would discourage you from attending, please contact Center School Administration for complimentary admission.

We need an army of volunteers to run the Arts Buffet successfully. To lend a hand, go to the SPTO website ( and click on the Arts Buffet link. Send any Arts Buffet questions to Rosanne Peterson or Debbie Ferguson at

Like Animals?  Volunteer for Stow’s DART
The town of Stow will shelter individuals, and their pets (in an adjacent “pet co-shelter”), during a disaster requiring the evacuation of residents from their homes. The Stow Medical Reserve Corps is recruiting volunteers to effectively run our pet co-shelter during short-term emergencies. The Stow Disaster Animal Response Team (DART), a sub-group of Stow’s Medical Reserve Corps, will train new volunteers to assist with the pet intake and registration process, staff the pet co-shelter, and monitor care of animals by their owners during an emergency. Volunteers require no special background, but should enjoy and be comfortable with pets and people. Our next orientation meeting and pet intake training session is Saturday, March 19, from 10am to 12pm, at the Stow Town Building, 3rd floor Conference Room. To register, call 978-897-4592 or email

Stow Democratic Town Committee event FOrum
The  Democratic Committees of Stow, Maynard  and Hudson  are sponsoring a  forum on income inequality  to be held at  the old Town Hall  in  Stow on March 30 at 7 pm. More details to follow. For more information on  these  events contact Jim Cohen  at Dr

~Outside of Stow~

Bridging Writers Series with Seven Bridge
The Seven Bridge Writers Collaborative will host an evening of readings by local writers of note on Monday, March 7, 6:30 – 8pm, at Thayer Memorial Library’s Dexter Thayer Room, 717 Main St., Lancaster. Deborah Gorlin, author of Life of the Garment: Poems, is the winner of the May Sarton New Hampshire Poetry Prize and the poetry editor of the Massachusetts Review. Jeanne Braham, author of Available Light: Philip Booth and the Gift of Place (October), is the founding editor of Heatherstone Press and the poetry editor of New England Watershed magazine. Available Light combines Booth’s poems and personal photos into a portrait of an overlooked poet.

For more information on this program, or on SBWC, please contact us at, or visit us at for the latest information and events.