Important information regarding water conservation from the Stow Board of Health
It is important to remember that we are in the 2nd year of a continuing drought and there is no sign that there is any relief in sight. Anything each of us can do to help conserve water and lower water usage is critical to our well-being. Our aquifer depends on us to be conservation minded about water usage. Since the town of Stow has mostly private wells, we are not covered by Public Water Supply regulations but that does not mean we can ignore the conservation effort. We are all part of a larger effort to conserve and preserve our precious water supply.
In response to many inquiries received at the Stow Board of Health concerning the drought, water usage and private wells, the Board urges everyone to conserve water by observing the following recommendations from the state:
Eliminate all non-essential outdoor water use. (Your grass may look brown now but it is just resting. It will recover! Your car will survive not being washed once a week.)
Pay attention to indoor water use. (Shorten your shower time.)
Before turning on your faucet, think about conserving water use.
For further information, click this link to a water advisory statement from Gov. Baker. Keep in mind that a lot of the information is about public water supplies, but the suggestions are applicable to private wells also.
September State Primary
Voter Registration Deadline – Friday, August 19
Online Voter Registration: https://www.sec.state.ma.us/ovr/
The Town Clerk’s office will be open until 5:00 pm on Friday, August 19.
ABSENTEE BALLOTS AVAILABLE NOW information available online
www.stow-ma.gov https://www.sec.state.ma.us/ele/eleifv/howabs.htm
Stow Town Clerk’s Office, 380 Great Road, 978-897-5034