Wings & Wheels at Minuteman Airfield in Stow each Thursday, June through August (except July 4th), 5 to 8pm. See displayed airplanes, custom and vintage vehicles, enjoy snacks or dinner with burgers, hotdogs, vegetarian options, pizza, desserts, fresh lemonade, beer, wine. Leashed pets allowed. Hosted by the Stow Lions club, Rotary clubs of Acton-Boxborough and Westford, Experimental Aircraft Association #196 and Nancy’s Air Field Café. Proceeds benefit local service projects. More information at: https://wingsandwheelsma.com/ and www.facebook.com/WingsandWheelsMA.
Guest Table, a community supper in Stow, serves dinner from on the first Friday of each month at First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC). Doors open at 5pm. Guest Table welcomes everyone, in or out of Stow, whether they’re looking for a sense of community, are feeling lonely, are having financial difficulties, or just want a change of atmosphere. There’s no charge for dinner, but donations are gratefully accepted. Dinners will be nut free, with gluten-free and dairy-free options available.
The next meal will be offered on July 5 from 5:30 to 6:30 at FPC’s Fellowship Hall. July’s dinner is frittatas, English muffins, fruit salad, hash browns, and dessert. FPC is located at 353 Great Rd. Its facilities are wheelchair accessible. Guest Table is always looking for volunteers, so if you’d like to help out, contact fpcguesttable@fpc-stow-acton.org. This program is supported in part by grants from the Stow Community Chest and the Acton-Boxborough United Way.
A Sunday service about “Life’s Spiritual Journey” will be held on July 7, at 10am, at First Parish Church of Stow and Acton (FPC), Unitarian Universalist. FPC’s summer services are lay led. This summer, each service will either address one of the seven Unitarian Universalist (UU) principles or one of the big theological questions that UUs tend to ruminate upon. This Sunday, FPC members Meg Costello and Susan Moses will lead a service focusing on the fourth UU principle: A free and responsible search for truth and meaning. Five FPC members will share stories of their own personal spiritual journeys with a focus on the interconnectedness of life. Child care will be provided during FPC’s summer services.
FPC warmly welcomes gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. FPC’s facilities are wheelchair accessible. For more information, visit www.fpc-stow-acton.org. The church is located at 353 Great Rd.
Highrock Church welcomes all kids age 4 to those entering Grade 5 to Summer Blast, our version of Vacation Bible School. Summer Blast is a week of fun, games, stories, singing, science experiments, and more! This year’s theme is “Power Up!” Summer Blast will happen Monday-Friday, July 8-12, from 9am to 12pm daily at the Highrock Stow Chapel (317 Great Rd.). Programming for younger children of volunteers is also available. Youth in grade 6 and above are encouraged to volunteer. Camper and volunteer registration is now open at highrockacton.org. Questions? Email Lauren at lauren@highrockacton.org.
Highrock is a multi-ethnic, multi-generational locally-focused church serving the greater Acton and Stow communities. Our mission is help you connect with God. For more details, visit highrockacton.org or email info@highrockacton.org.
All are welcome to a FREE summer Conversation Course for adult English learners of all levels! The course will take place on Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23, and 30 from 6:30-8pm at the Highrock Acton Ministry Center, 562 Massachusetts Avenue, Acton. Each class will begin with a large-group presentation and activities on a topic, followed by one-on-one practice with a fluent English speaker.
Sign up by writing to esl@highrockacton.org or calling 978-393-1738. Please let us know your name and contact information. Your children are welcome. If you need childcare, let us know how many children you intend to bring and their ages. If you need transportation, please let us know your address. We hope to see you there! This course is offered by Highrock Church. To learn more, visit highrockacton.org.
July 15, 7-9pm – Pompositticut Community Center, Function Room, 509 Great Rd. Stow’s Planning and Conservation Depts. are hosting a public forum to begin developing a community vision for Stow’s Golf Courses. The goals of the forum are to understand currently allowed uses, evaluate the Town’s needs and opportunities, hear your thoughts and ideas, and discuss next steps. For more information, please contact Valerie Oorthuys at 978-897-5098 or planning2@stow-ma.gov.
The Bolton Council on Aging will offer the following activities during the month of June. All programs are held at the Senior Center unless otherwise noted. For more information, contact Heather Goodsell at 978-779-3314 or hgoodsell@townofbolton.com.
Tuesdays, now through July 10, 6:30 p.m. at the library: Bamboo Fusion; an intergenerational class, open to all adults. Cost for those under age 60 is $30 for the whole session, or $7 drop-in; for people age 60 and older, cost is $20 for the whole session or $5 drop-in. Bamboo Fusion will be led by instructor Kristin Higgins, and incorporates Strength and Balance, Tai Chi, and Yoga.
Summer Wednesdays, starting June 19, 9:30-10:15 a.m.: While the Strength and Balance Class is on summer break, Gentle Yoga will be taking its place. Mats are provided for those who need one. This class can also be adapted to all skill levels.
Registration is now OPEN for Miraculous Mission VBS! Held at Trinity Church Congregational in Bolton, VBS will be held this summer from Aug. 5 – 9, from 9AM – 12PM. Vacation Bible School is a free program including Music, Craft, Snack, Recreation, and Bible Learning offered to children in PK – 8th Grade. This year, children will learn that God sent Jesus to save the world. To register online or print a registration form, go to TrinityBolton.org/vacation-bible-school. Trinity is located at 14 Wattaquadock Hill Rd.
The Bolton Parks & Recreation Commission, with support from the Bolton Cultural Council, will host four summer concerts in July. Concerts will take place on Sundays at 6 p.m. at the Town Common. In the event of rain, the concerts will be held at Florence Sawyer School, 100 Mechanic St.
Sunday, July 7, 6 p.m.: Crocodile River Music (African drumming)
Sunday, July 14, 6 p.m.: Folk-Soul Ensemble (American roots)
Sunday, July 21, 6 p.m.: Retro Stew (acoustic quartet)
Sunday July 28, 6 p.m.: Nashoba Valley Concert Band
Mill & Main Toastmasters Club meets on the first and third Wednesday of the month. No meeting July 3. July 17 the regular meeting schedule will resume. 12noon to 1pm, Concord Room, 5th floor of building 4 at the Mill &Main Complex, Main St., Maynard.
Guests are always welcome. Come join the fun and learning OR just sit and enjoy. For more information go to millandmain.toastmastersclubs.org Find us on Facebook : mill.main.tmc/.
Discovery Museum announced its summer schedule of hours, programs, and free admission evenings throughout the summer. Summer Hours run through Sept. 1. Discovery Museum and Discovery Woods will be open 7 days per week. Hours are 9am to 4:30pm Saturday through Thursday, and 9am to 8pm on Fridays (with free admission 4:30 to 8pm). Summer Friday Nights Free! runs through Friday, Aug. 30. The museum will be open with free admission each Friday night from 4:30 to 8pm. On Friday, Aug. 16 only, the museum will be open for free all day, 9am to 8pm, as part of Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Friday program.
For more information on these and other programs, please visit www.discoveryacton.org.
The Virginia Thurston Healing Garden Cancer Support Center (the Healing Garden) announces new summer programs for individuals, families and caregivers affected by cancer. A range of individual and group programs are available from nutrition and strengthening classes to cancer support groups; several programs are open to the public for individuals seeking to strengthen the mind/body connection regardless of a cancer diagnosis. In recognition of the financial impact of cancer services are low cost or offered free of charge. Classes take place at The Healing Garden, 145 Bolton Road, Harvard. All programs require pre-registration. To register visit www.healinggardensupport.org/calendar/ call 987-456-3532, or email kelly@healinggardensupport.org.
Concord Band Summer Series at Fruitlands
The Concord Band’s 34th season at Fruitlands Museum will hold their July 4 program of patriotic American music, America Strong, at the Picnic in the Park concert in Concord at 3:15 and then at Fruitlands at 7:15. July 11, Spectacular Broadway!, includes selections from Andrew Lloyd Webber, George Gershwin, Fiddler on the Roof, and Chicago. On July 18, it’s Strike Up the Bands with music from Chicago, Santana, the Beatles, ABBA, and 1940s big bands. The final concert on July 25 is a Summer Retrospective and will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the July 20, 1969 landing on the Moon. In addition to a reprise of some of the pieces played at earlier concerts, Music Director Jim O’Dell has programmed Blue Moon and Fly Me to the Moon (as part of a Frank Sinatra medley).
All concerts start at 7:15 pm, but are canceled if it rains. The Band’s phone line will have cancellation information at 978-897-9969. More information about the Concord Band and each program can be found at www.concordband.org.
Join the members of Congregation B’nai Torah in Sudbury as we celebrate Shabbat at the Wayland Town Beach (25 Parkland Drive, Wayland)! Everyone is invited, starting at 6:30pm on Friday, July 12, to participate in a joyful and welcoming family-friendly Shabbat service. This will be a truly unique experience with the sound of the water, the voices of children at play, and music led by a talented duo of voice and guitar. Bring your beach chairs and blanketsand a picnic dinner and come in beach attire. Following the service and your picnic, enjoy s’mores – our treat! In case of rain, all are welcome to attend the service at Congregation B’nai Torah, 225 Boston Post Rd., Sudbury.
There will be additional Shabbat on the Beach services on July 26, Aug. 9 and Aug. 23. To learn more about our Congregation, visit our website www.bnaitorah.com, visit our Facebook page or call us at 978.443.2082.
Guided Walk on the Nashua River Rail Trail: Free
The Nashua River Rail Trail is a 12-mile paved recreational trail running from Ayer, Mass. to Nashua, NH. It’s a wonderful resource enjoyed by walkers, cyclists, inline skaters, and equestrians. Come explore a section of the trail in Dunstable during the Nashua River Watershed Association (NRWA) free guided walk on Saturday, July 13, 2019, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. This is a chance to learn more about the plants, animals, and eco-systems seen along the trail, as well as to learn about the history of the trail, once a rail line opened for use by Worcester & Nashua Railroad in 1848. The walk leaders will be Mary Marro, NRWA’s Environmental Education Associate, and Bill Watson from the Friends of the Nashua River Rail Trail. This walk will be round-trip of about one mile, about 45 minutes out, and then back again. This walk is free and open to the public made possible with the support of our Dunstable Event Sponsor, Dunkin’. Pre-registration is required; space is limited. Directions to meet-up location will be provided upon registration. To pre-register, please contact Kate McNierney at NRWA at (978) 448-0299 or KateM@NashuaRiverWatershed.org. To learn more, visit www.NashuaRiverWatershed.org.