Aug. 5, 2020
Backyard Bolton is coming this Saturday, Aug. 8, 10am to 1pm on the Bolton Town Common. We have over 20 Vendors, representing small and backyard farms, small batch product producers, and artisans, coming to the Bolton Town Common. This event gives the Community a chance to reconnect and share our products and labors of love with each other. We are making plans to keep everyone safe by utilizing the large Town Common to spread out and keep safe social distances. Masks are required by Vendors and Shoppers. Additional markets are planned for Aug. 22 and Sept. 12
A service on “Welcoming Folks with Mental Health Challenges” will be held by First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC) on Sunday, Aug. 9, at 10am. The highlight of the service will be a presentation from the Massachusetts chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI Massachusetts) called “In Our Own Voice.” The presentation aims to change attitudes, assumptions, and stereotypes about people living with mental health conditions. The service will be led by FPC members Joleen Trotta and Ingrid Holcomb, who recently attended a seminar presented by NAMI Massachusetts. This service is recommended for ages 14+ and will run roughly 15 to 30 minutes longer than FPC’s usual one-hour service.
PLEASE NOTE: This service will NOT be accessible by tuning in to 107.7 FM from the FPC parking lot. The service can be accessed by Zoom by computer or phone. The link can be found along the left column at fpc-stow-acton.org. A link to the order of service will also be posted there. FPC warmly welcomes gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. For more information, call 978-897-8149 or visit fpc-stow-acton.org. The church is located at 353 Great Rd.
Join us for SCT’s Bike for the Woods. This is a family friendly ride to support the Stow Conservation Trust, to protect open space in the town of Stow, Massachusetts. This year, it is a virtual ride so you can ride whenever you want. There will be a socially distant “show and go” ride on Sunday, Aug 16, starting at Stow Town Hall, 375 Great Rd. Please pre-register before showing up. Maps, snacks, and water will be available on the morning of the ride. For complete information www.bikeforthewoods.org.
The COVID-19 pandemic is an unfolding global event with historic significance. Years from now, people will want to make sense of what happened and understand how it affected ordinary folks. Most of the first drafts of this history are being written exclusively in digital media: on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. We at the Bolton Public Library and Bolton Historical Society are concerned that some of these memories and emotions will be lost over time if we don’t take intentional steps to preserve them. During tumultuous times like these, we believe that there is value in reflecting and documenting our lived experience. We are therefore inviting all Bolton residents to participate in a creative documentary initiative.
The basic idea of the initiative is to collect and store the creative output of our residents during this pandemic. Beginning on July 6, 2020, we will be accepting submissions on an ongoing basis. Throughout the summer, we will provide some prompts in case people feel stuck. There is no correct submission, but here are just some ideas of what people could submit: artwork, prose, poetry, film, audio recording, photography, craftwork.
Please mail your submissions to: Bolton Public Library, P.O. Box 188, Bolton, MA 01740
Starting July 29, when an item(s) you requested arrives at the Bolton Public Library, you’ll automatically receive a text message or email*.
The staff will check the item out to you, wrap it, put your initials and house number on it, and put it in the entry for pickup. You’ll have 7 days to retrieve your item (after that, it must be returned to circulation).
The entry is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m., and Fridays 10-5.
When picking up your item, please observe CDC guidance about masks, hand sanitation, and distancing.
*If you told us that the best way to reach you is by phone, we will of course call you. We’ll also call about craft kits and book packs ordered through our online forms.
The Randall Library is currently providing the following services even though the physical library is closed:
Curbside pick up; when you receive an email that the items you requested are at the Library, please call to schedule a time to pick them up
Readers’ advisory – please call or email and we will help you find something that you would like to read or watch
Printing/copying – if you need something printed or copied we will provide that service for you
Summer Reading is still in full swing – come by to collect your prizes!
“0.0 Race” Event with Habitat for Humanity NCM
Offers Fun and Music
No running shoes? No problem! You’ll be a winner every time and get a medal as soon as you cross the Starting Line at Habitat for Humanity North Central MA’s Second Annual “0.0 Race” scheduled for Thursday, August 6, 6:00 – 8:00pm at the Bull Spit Brewing Company, 339 7 Bridge Road, Lancaster, MA. Join us at the expanded, socially distanced, outdoor seating area. Masks are required (and will be available) and your entrance fee will help Habitat NCM to get started on building three more homes! Registration is just $25.00 and includes admission to the event, a race bag and a commemorative medal. Individuals can register for the event at ncmhabitat.org.