For the month of September, the Library’s Gallery space is filled with selections from the upcoming Bolton & Harvard Artists’ Open Studios. Come see a sampling of paintings, jewelry, fiber art, and photos during the Library’s open hours (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 10-8, Fridays 10-5, and–starting 9/11–Saturdays 10-2).While you’re here, pick up a copy of the map to the open studios and be sure to mark your calendar for the big event. The Bolton Town Common, Harvard General Store, and various studios in Bolton and Harvard will be open on Saturday, Oct. 2 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 3 from 12 – 4 p.m.
June through October, 2021, Tuesday & Saturday mornings, 9am-11am. Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge, 680 Hudson Rd., Sudbury, MA 01776. Connect with the Refuge by helping to maintain the pollinator gardens at the visitor center! Join in on a regular or drop-in basis to take care of the garden tasks such as weeding, mulching, and raking. Let’s help the gardens thrive! People of all gardening abilities are welcome to participate. For more information, email: [email protected].
The Stow Garden Club is resuming in person meetings on Sept. 8 @ 7pm at Stow Community Center, 509 Great Rd. Social distancing and the current CDC guidelines will be in effect. Our guest speaker will be Gretel Anspach delivering a presentation on “New England Native Flora”. She is a Trustee of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Master Gardener, and maintains a 20,000 sq.ft. food production garden that supplies produce for several food pantries in the area. Focus of the talk will be utilization of native plants at your site that will withstand the weather changes, offer resistance to deer and rabbits and create a paradise for native birds and pollinators. Everyone is welcome to join us.
Ed the Wizard’s “Magic for Seniors” performance will be held at the Bolton Senior Center Wednesday, Sept. 8, starting at 12:30 p.m. From mind-reading to coins, to cards, there is something magical for all. Several impromptu magic effects will be taught so that tpatrons can perform for their grandchildren. Be prepared to be amazed, and possibly volunteer, with Ed the Wizard’s award-winning performance.
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Bolton Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.
Backyard Bolton last market of the season will be held on Saturday, Sept. 11, 10am to 1pm on the Bolton Town Common. There will be more than 40 Vendors, representing small and backyard farms, small batch product producers, and artisans, coming to the Bolton Town Common. This event gives the Community a chance to connect and share products and labors of love with each other. Vendors will be spread out throughout the Town Common to keep safe social distances.
If you or your children have ever wanted to make a difference in the world, Make a Difference Day will offer a chance to do so in a variety of areas, including climate change, LGBTQ+ rights, prison outreach, racial justice, and more. This family-friendly event takes place on Saturday, Sept. 11, from 10 a.m. to noon, on the grounds of First Parish Church of Stow and Acton (FPC), Unitarian Universalist (UU). Masks are required.Booths will offer a variety of activities suitable for kids, teens, and adults. FPC’s Supporting Asylum Seekers Task Force’s booth, for instance, will include a globe to help kids locate countries, the opportunity to tweet President Biden, and the chance to write or draw a welcome letter to an Afghan family newly arrived in our country. The Climate Change Task Force’s activities will range from writing post cards to officials about implementing the state’s new climate law; providing information on its Net Zero campaign for FPC; and making posters on climate change. This task force will also ring the church’s bells 11 times at 11 a.m. as part of 11th Hour Calling, an interfaith organization that calls attention to the urgency of the climate crisis on the 11th hour of the 11th day of each month.Executive director of UU Mass Action Laura Wagner will host a table with information available for its 5 Core Campaigns: Massachusetts Against Solitary Confinement; Indigenous Justice; Immigrant Justice; Environmental Justice and Climate; and Economic Justice. FPC is located at 353 Great Rd., at the corner of routes 117 and 62, in Stow
Ingathering Sunday, the service that marks the start of the church year, will take place on Sunday, Sept. 12, at First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC), Unitarian Universalist (UU). This date will also mark the beginning of a new two-service structure, which will be used throughout September and re-assessed before being set for October. FPC will hold an outdoor service at 9:30 a.m., weather permitting, which will not be accessible virtually. Outside nursery care will be provided, weather permitting. To check on whether the service is taking place, follow facebook.com/fpcstowacton for the most up-to-date information. A virtual service will be held at 11:15 a.m. This service will include music from the choir, which will perform live from FPC’s Fellowship Hall, and will feature FPC’s new music director, Brad Dumont. FPC’s 11:15 a.m. service can be accessed by computer or phone. Access information, as well as a link to the order of service, will be posted along the left column at fpc-stow-acton.org within 24 hours of the service. FPC warmly welcomes gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. For more information, call 978-897-8149 or visit fpc-stow-acton.org. FPC is located at 353 Great Rd. in Stow.
The American Heritage Museum presents “Race of the Century” Sept. 11 & 12 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at 568 Main Street, Hudson. Transportation technologies from the last 100 years will be presented in the most extraordinary series of exhibition races. Horses, bicycles, electric cars, vehicles powered by water or small explosions, all poised to solve the transportation issues of the day. The American Heritage Museum will host an entertaining event that pits some of the greatest technological advancements of mobility against each other in Race of the Century. For tickets and more information see: www.americanheritagemuseum.org
Bolton’s Trinity Church is excited to gather back to worship together in person. Many of us have found other ways to do church over the past year and a half, but Jesus tells us that ‘When two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.’ (Matt 18:20). Join us for ‘Gather Week’ this week (Sept. 12) as we celebrate worshiping God together. Trinity is a group of imperfect people who love Jesus. We welcome you as you are. Join us! Trinity Church 14 Wattaquadock Hill Rd, Bolton. trinitybolto.org
All are invited to First Parish Bolton on Sunday, Sept. 12, at 9 a.m., to join in on assembling bag lunches for the Worcester Fellowship church, an outdoor church serving the unhoused. Volunteers are invited to stay for the 10 a.m. service, followed by coffee and conversation. Interim pastor Reverend Jerrie Shepard Matney will be preaching about “Living in the In Between.” The church will also be recognizing grandparents on this Grandparents Day, and remembering those lost on Sept. 11, 2001. Sunday, Sept. 19 is Homecoming Sunday, with services starting at 10 a.m., followed by outdoor games for youth/children; refreshments will be served. For information or to receive the church’s weekly update, contact [email protected] or visit firstparishofbolton.org. The church is at 673 Main St.; park on the west side of the building or in the back lot (accessible entrance). COVID precautions are observed. No matter who you are or where you’ve been, you are welcome here.
The Sounds of Stow Chorus and Orchestra is delighted to return to in-person rehearsals and is inviting all singers to “check us out” by joining our Open Rehearsal on Sept. 13. Open Rehearsals begin at 7pm, with subsequent rehearsals starting at 7:30. We will keep rehearsal time to 90 minutes, ending by 9pm. Singers must be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 and wear a mask. Please visit www.soundsofstow.org for further information about Sounds of Stow, and email [email protected] if you plan to attend an Open Rehearsal. We rehearse at the First Parish Church’s Fellowship Hall, 353 Main St, Stow.
Join Sustainable Stow and landscape architect Casey-lee Bastien for a talk on making your yard work better for you and for the environment. The talk will also feature four examples from around Stow. Sept. 15 at 7PM for the talk and discussion. Contact Randall Library by Wednesday afternoon the 15th for a zoom link.
Bolton Local, our town sustainability group, is investigating the possibility of some new composting programs for Bolton residents. We are working with Randy Heglin, the Director of the Dept. of Public Works, on this. We have also talked to Don Lowe, the Town Administrator. These programs would be separate from any home composting that you are already doing. If either or both programs are implemented, you will be able to choose whether to take part or not. If you join a program, there will be a payment required from you. The estimated cost with no state or town contribution is about $3.80 per week for curbside pickup and $1.75 per drop off with the transfer station bins program. There could be additional costs of up to $55 to buy a small kitchen counter bin, a larger animal proof bin for curbside pickup, and a starter supply of fully compostable bags for the 2 containers.
If you are a Bolton resident, please fill out the online survey at:
https://tinyurl.com/boltoncompostsurvey. Or fill out a paper survey and return it. Paper surveys are available at the town offices, or at the Bolton Local table at the Bolton Backyard events on Sept. 11. You can leave it off where you got it, or you can mail it to Bolton Local, PO. Box 92, Bolton, MA 01740.
The deadline to complete and return the survey is Sept. 15. If you have any questions, please contact Ray Pfau at [email protected] or (978) 779-5545.
Town Administrator Don Lowe will hold a Coffee with the Town Administrator on Friday Sept. 17, 2021 at 8:30 am at the Bolton Bean located at 626 Main Street. Coffee with the Town Administrator is a great way to chat with Don in an informal setting. Please consider joining if you have questions to ask, concerns to raise, or just want to meet Don and learn more about Bolton.
Looking for new treasures? On Sept. 18, from 9am to 1pm, there will be a community yard sale at First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC). Since there will be multiple sellers, more goods will be sold and there will be a wider variety of items than what is found at a typical household yard sale. Items are likely to include clothes, household wares, toys, sports equipment, and books. The sale will be held in the church parking lot. Sellers will be wearing masks and visitors are asked to wear masks as well. FPC is located at 353 Great Rd.
The Women’s Business Network will host the program, “Marketing with A Modest Budget,” presented by Ceri Ruenheck. Thursday, Sept 9, at 7:15 p.m. The event begins with networking, followed by brief announcements and introductions, where each attendee gets to introduce herself and her business.
WBN is a local, volunteer-run networking group of 60 women in small businesses, professional practices, nonprofits and the arts, who meet monthly for mutual support, education and networking. Guests are welcome. For more information about the meeting location, contact Deb Oliva at [email protected] or 617-543-1208.
On Sunday, Sept. 12, Rev. Joel Guillemette returns to the pulpit at 9:30 AM worship at Sudbury United Methodist Church (SUMC). The service will take place in the sanctuary where masks are required and can also be seen on Sudbury TV. Coffee Hour to say hello to friends and newcomers follows the service. Ever wanted to try singing on the chancel? On Sundays a small pick-up ensemble practices at 8:50 a.m. to sing during worship at9:30 a.m. Familiar tunes maximize rehearsal time and make it easy for volunteers. Come and try it! On Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m. Sudbury UMC musicians and friends hang out on Zoom. In addition, to chatting and staying connected, a “one way Zoom hymn sing” is always popular. Music and words appear on the screen. Participants sing along! Contact Music Director Kevin Murphy for more details. SUMC’s Outreach Commission will help food-insecure neighbors by gathering surplus crops from a local farm on Saturday Sept. 11. Friends and members age 13+ are welcome to join in the gleaning from 9:00 AM – Noon, registration is required.Sudbury United Methodist Church is a welcoming and inclusive community providing worship, education, and support to its fellowship, and Christian outreach to the world. SUMC is located east of Sudbury Historic Town Center. For more information call 978-443-4351 or [email protected]. Find out more on FB or www.sudbury-umc.org.
For many people living with disabilities, walking around the block is a daunting task, never mind walking two miles. Yet that is exactly what clients and friends of Minute Man Arc will do together on Sept. 25 to raise critical funds for the agency. The 17th Annual Minute Man March is a joyful outdoor loop through Concord center and includes a post-walk celebratory party. Look for us under the big white tent at the Alcott School, rain or shine, on Sept. 25th beginning at 9am. For more information or to sponsor a walker, visit www.minutemanarc.org.
If walking isn’t your thing but you want to support Minute Man Arc clients, a deluxe online auction will run for two weeks beginning Sept. 13. The auction includes dozens of unique items and experiences such as a custom designed fresh water pearl necklace and bracelet, private plane ride over Boston Harbor, premium Patriots tickets and a week in the White Mountains at a five star condo resort. Contact [email protected] to receive a link to the auction. All proceeds benefit Minute Man Arc individuals in need of therapeutic services, early intervention, housing, recreation and jobs.
The Hudson Library & Historical Society’s Goblins & Galaxies, Science Fiction and Fantasy Outdoor Book Club will meet on September 29, at 7:00 p.m. on the library’s outdoor patio. Bring along your favorite science fiction or fantasy book that you have read, or one you want to read. Registration is required to attend the book club and new members are always welcome. Please note, masks are strongly recommended. This event will be dependent on the weather and may be moved indoors if space allows. Feel free to bring along your own blanket or folding chair. For more information visit www.hudsonlibrary.org or call (330) 653-6658.
Registration is now open for the 2021Boston Marathon® Jimmy Fund Walk: Your Way presented by Hyundai. The Jimmy Fund Walk will be a virtual event to ensure the safety of everyone in the community. Participants will be encouraged to “Walk Your Way” from wherever they are most comfortable — whether that be from their neighborhood, favorite trail, or from a treadmill on Sunday, Oct. 3. The 2021 Jimmy Fund Walk will continue to unite the community to raise funds for the Jimmy Fund to support all forms of adult and pediatric patient care and cancer research at the nation’s premier cancer center, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
To register for the Walk (#JimmyFundWalk) or to support a walker, visit www.JimmyFundWalk.org or call (866) 531-9255. This year’s event will have a lower fundraising requirement, $100 for adults and $25 for those under 18, with a $5 registration fee. All registered walkers will receive a bib and medal and the first 5,000 to register will receive a commemorative Jimmy Fund Walk T-shirt.