Stow/Bolton/Nashoba Schools Events
Nashoba Regional School District has a few preschool openings for the
2023-2024 school year. The current openings are for three-day afternoon programs, which run Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 11:45a.m. to 2:15 p.m.
(Nashoba does have tuition assistance depending on family size & income. You must be a reside You must be a resident of Lancaster, Bolton or Stow.)
Guest Table is a community dinner that takes place on the second Friday of each month at First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC). The next dinner will take place on Sept. 8. It will begin at 5:30pm, with doors opening at 5pm. September’s main dish is a chicken, vegetable and stuffing casserole. It will be served with salad, cornbread and a dessert. There will be a vegan/gluten-free option for the main dish. All are welcome! There’s no charge for dinner, but donations are gratefully accepted.
FPC is a nut-free location. Guest Table is always looking for volunteers, so if you’d like to help out, contact [email protected]. FPC is located at 353 Great Rd., Stow. Its facilities are wheelchair accessible. When parking, please keep a clear path for emergency vehicles; do not block the driveway around the front of the sanctuary; park only on the 117 side of Commons Rd.; and do not block access to the back of the building. Thank you!
Contact the COA or check out our monthly newsletter, The Stow Senior Scoop, for more information. To register go to https://myactivecenter.com, email [email protected], call 978-897-1880 or stop by (509 Great Rd.).
Tours of Nashoba Regional High School – Sept. 9, 9am and 12pm. Tours of Nashoba Regional High School are being offered to interested community members by the Nashoba High School Building Committee. Meet in the lobby of the high school. Advanced sign-up is encouraged by emailing [email protected] or using the form posted on the website.
Meet Margaret Decker, NEW Outreach Worker – Sept. 12, 11am. Join Margaret for coffee and discussion and hear what she has to offer our seniors.

Essex River Cruise – Sept. 13, 8:15am. Take a cruise within a tidal estuary, explore the salt marsh, and navigate within a protected bay. Don’t forget a hat and a sweater/jacket. Bring a bag lunch including a drink.
Conservation Walk – Sept. 14, 10am. Jacquie will lead the Conservation Walk at Heath Hen Meadow Conservation Area. It is about a 1.5-hour walk which is mostly flat. Please meet at the pullout on the side of Boxboro Road or, if you want to take the van and get dropped off, please call the COA to book your ride.
SFCOA Creators Collaborative – Sept. 14, 10am. The Stow Friends of the Council on Aging (SFCOA) is seeking volunteers to create handmade items for sale at the Gift Shop. The proceeds from the Gift Shop sales directly benefit Stow’s senior residents. Share your ideas and energy with others weekly on Thursday mornings.
Paper Collage – Sept. 14, 1 pm. In this hands-on class we will explore the possibilities of using paper to create unique imagery. If you have a photo that you would like to incorporate into your collage, please bring it.
Ingathering Sunday, the service that marks the start of the church year, will take place on Sunday, Sept. 10, at First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC), Unitarian Universalist (UU). We’ll pour water representing the waters of the world as we share our deep connections. Children will receive a special “blessing of the backpacks” token as the Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Landrum blesses the starting of the school year and the church year. And there will be a special welcome for FPC’s new staff members. Child care is provided for children 3 and under. The service will take place both in person and virtually at 10 a.m. Masking is optional; a section of the sanctuary is reserved for those who wish to wear masks. To enter the virtual room, go to tinyurl.com/22-23fpc.
FPC warmly welcomes gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. FPC’s facilities are wheelchair accessible. For more information, call 978-897-8149 or visit www.fpc-stow-acton.org. The church is located at 353 Great Rd., Stow.
The Stow Friends of the Council on Aging is pleased to announce the Holly Craft Fair, named for our beloved friend Betty Holly, to support the Stow COA. This is a juried fair, and will take place on November 4, 2023, from 10AM until 4PM. We are looking for vendors interested in applying for a $60 per 8’ by 8’ indoor space. Deadline for applications is September 15, 2023, and applicants will be notified by October 1, 2023. If you wish to apply, please contact Carole at [email protected] for an application.
The Stow Great Decisions discussion group will meet Thursday morning, Sept. 21, at 10AM at Randall Library. Attendees are asked to read Chapter 7 “Iran at a Crossroads” of the Foreign Policy Association, red briefing booklet. In addition, please read materials left at the front desk.
By the fall of 2022, Iran was in a state of turmoil due to widespread protests against government-enforced wearing of the hijab, a falling economy, an ineffective new president, and the looming succession of the country’s leader, Ayatollah Khamenei. How should the United States deal with it? Please come with your ideas.
The Randall Library Friends will hold the fourth in a series of Book Chats on Saturday, Sept. 30 at 1pm. in the Library. Come chat with other folks about any books you’ve read and loved and hear from others about their favorites. Refreshments will be served as usual.
The Bolton Community Fund’s largest fundraiser of the year, the annual 5K festival, will be held Oct. 7 at Schartner Farm, 279 West Berlin Rd. in Bolton. The kids’ fun run kicks off at 9:30 a.m., and the 5K race starts at 10:30 a.m. The festival will also feature kids’ activities, vendors, food, and access to the corn maze. Register for the race at bolton5k2023.racewire.com. Proceeds go toward helping neighbors in need.
Tee Up on Sept. 13 at Quail Ridge, to Benefit Acton-Boxborough Rotary’s Local Service Projects. Play in and/or Sponsor the Club’s 31st Annual Bud Flannery Memorial Golf Tournament – and Honor One of Its Key Founders. In 2022, Bud Flannery, a founding member of the Club in 1962, passed away at the age of 91. He helped create the Golf Tournament three decades ago. Because this Golf Tournament is one of the Acton-Boxborough Club’s largest fundraisers of the year, the non-profit organization welcomes and appreciated all players and all sponsors!
Registration and a continental breakfast are from 8 to 9am. with a shotgun start – and scramble scoring – at 9am. The fees are $100 per player and $375 per foursome, and include nine holes, a golf cart, coffee, breakfast, and lunch.The sponsorship levels and costs are $100, $450 and $875. To complete and submit the online Player Registration Form, visit tinyurl.com/2j9wb7yn. To complete and submit the online Sponsor Registration Form, tinyurl.com/2wpvnmde. For more information on the 31st Annual Bud Flannery Memorial Golf Tournament, contact Chair Marvin Gould at 978-758-0362 or [email protected].
The Women’s Business Network (WBN) will host “Let’s Get Social-Social Media for Your Business” at tis next meeting on Thursday, Sept. 14, 7:15 p.m., at St. Theresa’s Church (Holy Trinity Parish), 15 Still River Rd. in Harvard. The program will show how businesses can optimize their presence on social media based on their goals and brands. The event begins with informal conversation among members and guests, followed at 7:30 p.m. by brief announcements and introductions, where each attendee can introduce herself and her business.
WBN is a local, volunteer run networking group of women in small businesses, professional practices, nonprofits, and the arts who meet monthly for mutual support, education and networking. Guests are welcome.
Monday, Sept. 4 – Monday, Sept. 11 – CLOSED for Annual Spruce Up Week.
Monday, Sept. 11 – Morning for Families with Deaf, Hard of Hearing, & KODA Infants and Toddlers 9:30am – 12:30pm. Join us for this free special morning for families with infants and toddlers or adults who are Deaf or hard of hearing. Playing, exploring, experimenting, and imagining in our accessible and universally designed galleries such as Brain Building Together promotes family conversations and can support early language development for Deaf and hard of hearing infants and toddlers.
The Museum will be closed to the general public for this event. Early intervention groups are welcome. ASL interpretation will be available throughout the event.
Registration is required at https://bit.ly/DHHSept2023 as space is limited.
Tuesday, Sept. 12 – Backyard and Beyond: Working in the Garden, 10am – 12pm. Learn what plants need to grow and help us take care of the Discovery Woods Garden. We will water our plants, check for weeds, and see if any plants are ready to be picked. Be on the lookout for insects that help our plants to grow! Inclement weather may result in changes to this program, or cancellation.