by Ann Needle
May 14, 2022
Saturday’s Annual Town Meeting passed all 60 Warrant Articles presented to the voters in attendance.
Among the articles approved were the Town’s $31.4 million operational budget, funding for a revamp of Randall Library, and Community Preservation Act funds for six affordable housing units on Red Acre Road.
With no debate, ATM overwhelmingly passed the Articles related to approving the approximately $6.7 million in borrowing needed for the renovation of the Randall Library. The next step for the project will be at the May 21 Town Election, with a ballot question asking voters if they approve the proposition 2 ½ override needed for the Town to borrow the required funds.
The affordable housing on Town property on Red Acre Road prompted the most remarks and questions. The Stow Municipal Affordable Housing Trust’s Mike Kopczynski told residents that, at about 7.1 percent of Stow’s housing stock, affordable housing could use any boost available toward the goal of 10 percent affordable units. The motion passed with a vote of 193 to 18.
As in recent years, there were a few electronic glitches the meeting organizers had to contend with. The voting clickers for many of the voters in the large crowd sitting outside would not function unless the voter was near the Hale Auditorium door to vote. About mid-way through the meeting, Town Moderator Dave Walrath switched to using the paper voting cards when possible.
Look for more details on ATM in the May 18 Independent.