Tax Rates, Slots & Open Space
At their meeting on Tuesday night, the Selectmen approved continuing with one tax rate for residential, commercial and personal property classifications for FY 2014. As Stow has done in the past, all property owners will be taxed at the same rate. The Board of Assessors is proposing an increase in the tax rate for FY 2014 of .80 per $1000 of valuation, bringing the rate to $19.17 per $1000 of valuation…
McGillicuddy Earns Accolades at St. John’s
Stow senior Mike McGillicuddy, a co-captain and wide receiver for St. John’s of Shrewsbury, knows what it’s like to play in a Super Bowl. He doesn’t yet know what it’s like to win one – although he’s heard all about it from his buddies who play for Nashoba Regional. But this season, with the Chieftains out of the playoffs and the Pioneers on a roll, things could be different…
Hale XC One of Best in the State
On Saturday, November 2nd, Canton’s Ponkapoag Golf Course turned into a cross-country one, so the state’s best middle school teams could leg it out in the 5th Annual Massachusetts Middle School XC Invitational, and, in the season’s climactic race, find out where they ultimately stand…
8th Grade Nashoba Youth Football Heads for Regionals after winning State Title
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