Breaking News

The Independent Clause

I ran out of vanilla. The kind you bake with. How could I let such a thing happen just as baking season is about to peak? I can feel the cold steely blue eyes of Martha Stewart upon me. The Baking Police are probably approaching my door as I type. Now I’m going to have to buy double. It’s not easy being the baking queen.

In this week’s issue, we celebrate the upcoming 100th birthday of Ernest Goldman. Mr. Goldman, known best in Stow as the co-founder of the Sounds of Stow Chorus and Orchestra, will be honored at the upcoming Sounds of Stow concert. And another distinguished Stow citizen will soon be celebrating  a big birthday… Dr. Donald Brown, the holder of Stow’s Boston Post Cane, will turn 105 at the end of November. More on Dr. Brown in a later issue.

Keeping it short and sweet as we’re pretty crowded this week. Stay warm!

Cyndy Bremer, managing editor  [email protected]

In last week’s article regarding the proposed slots parlor in Leominster, reporter Nancy Arsenault misinterpreted Bolton Town Administrator Don Lowe’s comments regarding traffic volume along Rt 117 produced by the proposed slots parlor in Leominster. Lowe has since clarified that in speaking about a 30% increase in traffic that he is expecting on Rt 117, he was referring to 30% of the casino’s potential customers, not necessarily an overall increase of 30% of current traffic numbers, and that he was only referring to that portion of the road west of Rt 495, not from Waltham to Leominster as stated in the article. Also, the town of Templeton was incorrectly listed as having been granted Surrounding Community status. It should have been Townsend.