Make a Child’s Holiday Wish Come True Warm Hearts of Stow urges community members to contribute to its annual Holiday Toy Fund. Our goal is to ensure that every Stow boy and girl has a special gift to open this holiday season! It may seem early to be thinking about the winter holidays, but our…
Events at the Randall Library in October (For more details check out Why Your Story Matters (Memoir Writing), Thursday, October 16, 7pm – Thatcher Freund, a journalist and memoir writer, will talk about the importance of stories both to ourselves and to the culture we live in, and why it matters so much that…
Stow Postal Pantry Food Drive The Stow Food Pantry will hold its annual “Share the Bounty” Postal Pantry Food Drive the week of October 6-11. The Stow Food Pantry receives most of its food donations during the Postal Pantry – placed in owners’ mailboxes and picked up by the mail carriers -along with many of…
STOW DEMOCRATS TO MEET The Stow Democratic Town Committee will meet on Wednesday, September 24, at 7:15pm, on the second floor of the Randall Library. Topics for discussion will include the fall campaigns for state and local offices, and follow-up of programs and actions from spring 2014. Stow residents interested in joining the committee are welcome to attend….
Girl Scout Registration Discover your next adventure with Girl Scouts! Swing by and Sing up for Girl Scouts at the Randall Library on Wednesday, September 17, 6 -7:30 p.m. Join today and get ready for the best year ever –make new friends, try new things, and make a difference in your community. From conquering an…
UPCOMING EVENTS AT THE RANDALL LIBRARY For more details check out Preschool Story Time, Fridays at 10:30am – Come join the fun with Ms. Morrison when she reads books and presents a fun craft that kids make and take home with them. September 12 – I SPY- Make your own I SPY sensory bag. September 19 – Pirates! To…
2014 -2015 NRHS Friends of Drama & Drama Society Information The NRHS Friends of Drama and the Drama Society will hold their first monthly meeting at the NRHS auditorium on Wednesday, September 3, at 7pm. Parent volunteers and student actors/techies are welcome and encouraged to attend. For a complete listing of meetings, show information, rehearsals,…
Sing Bach with Sounds of Stow Chorus The Sounds of Stow Chorus and Orchestra welcomes singers to join us in performing our fall concert. Rehearsals are Monday evenings from 7:30pm to 9:30pm in the hall of the First Parish Church, 353 Great Rd. The fall concert will be held Sunday afternoon, November 23, in Stow….
UPCOMING EVENTS AT THE RANDALL LIBRARY Preschool Story Times – Join our Youth Services Librarian, Christine Morrison, for a fun story time with a craft after the readings.All Prechool Story TImes are on Fridays at 10:30am. Some special events: August 22 – Focused on learning more about horses, we will even be making a hobby horse that you can take…
SEE Lower Village Traffic Plans The Town of Stow Planning Department will be holding a public meeting to view final traffic design plans for the Lower Village Business District on August 13, 7pm, in Stow Town Hall. Transportation engineers with Howard/Stein – Hudson will discuss the solutions chosen to mitigate traffic congestion, circulation issues, and…