Breaking News


UMASS Creating Gleasondale Master Plan

By Nancy Arsenault

Planning Board Coordinator Karen Kelleher announced that Stow, and specifically the Gleasondale Village area, has been chosen by UMASS as the subject of a 14-week intensive exploration by students and faculty of the Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning Department in Amherst.

Their project will result in a specific Master Plan for that part of Stow, including an inventory of most properties contained within the village boundaries, analysis of economic and environmental issues, concluding with recommendations that could ultimately preserve the character of the area, ensuring its vitality and value to the town, well into the future, according to Kelleher.

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Nashoba Postpones Budget Vote

By Ann Needle

The Nashoba School Committee put off a vote on the district’s proposed 2013/14 budget last night, agreeing that it needs to look more closely at what could be trimmed, especially given that the district towns’ assessments have become questionable. The Committee also looked at the potential calendar for next school year, along with changes to how Superintendent Michael Wood’s performance is evaluated.

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In This Week’s Print Edition… February 13, 2013

Where to Buy a Copy Subscribe for Home Delivery   Capital Projects Still Alive The Selectmen last night agreed to appoint an Oversight Committee to monitor a reevaluation of the three municipal capital projects that had failed at the Special Town Meeting in November. The Board also received a preliminary budget proposal for FY2014 from…

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June for Center Project Closing?

By Ann Needle

Though the Center School community is enjoying its new building, the school is not yet completed, officially — and that may need to wait until as late as June.

The Elementary School Building Committee was told Monday night that the damaged pavement in the visitor parking lot may take a while to repair. Currently slated to be fixed during April vacation, the job may take more than that week. If so, the work will need to wait until school is out in June, according to Owner’s Project Manager’s Rep. Neil Joyce.

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In This Week’s Print Edition… February 6, 2013

Where to Buy a Copy Subscribe for Home Delivery   The Impact of Proposed Gun Control On January 16, in response to the school shooting in Sandy Hook, CT., Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick filed legislation to create some of the toughest gun control laws in the country. Since the gun control debate has heated up,…

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Nashoba Proposes a 3.9% Hike

By Ann Needle

The Nashoba Regional School District proposed a 3.9% budget hike last night for the 2013/14 school, up from a 3.1% increase in 2011/12. This puts the total potential budget at $49,054,064, before adding in projected revenue and grants.

However, in comparing the two years, changes in legal requirements on financial reporting mean the estimated hikes for the total budget and the net budget, are not being measured in the same way as last year. Wood explained that items have been moved for accounting purposes from the gross budget to the net budget.

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Town Forest Overrun with Dogs

By Nancy Arsenault

The Conservation Commission recently heard a report from Animal Control Officer Susan Latham that suggests the Town Forest conservation area off Bradley Lane is becoming so overrun with loose dogs and professional dog walkers that it may be time to consider more stringent rules for this property.

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Nashoba Seeks New Goals

By Ann Needle
Looking for broader community input into priorities for the Nashoba schools, Superintendent Michael Wood devoted last night’s School Committee meeting to a public forum for setting some goals for next year’s District Improvement Plan.
The plan is a legally required document, updated each year, that outlines a district’s overall goals, along with ways these targets should be reached and success measured. As Committee Chair Nancy Federspiel of Bolton explained, “The District Improvement Plan is intended to be a living, working document, intended to look at the next 5 years in our district.” She also pointed out that it is these goals that perhaps make the biggest impact on the district budget.

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Selectmen Put the Brakes on Projects

By Nancy Arsenault

In a discussion that became heated at times, the Board of Selectmen last night put the brakes on any further spending on capital projects until a new group can be formed to oversee all three projects as a whole. Additional topics included a group of business owners looking for support to bring water to Lower Village and the presentation of a parcel of land for sale near the town center.

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Rec Meeting: Sharing, Mowers, and Music

By Ellen Oliver

Saving money was the top concern for the Recreation Commission at their December 20 meeting, as the Commission used the slower winter months to prepare for the busy spring and summer seasons.

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