Breaking News

Public Safety Report… April 16, 2014

By Kristen Kerouac Excerpts from the Public Safety Logs. Please note, arrests are made based on probable cause but do not determine  guilt or innocence until proven in court. Monday April 7, 2014 2:05pm    FRAUD A caller from Taylor Road requested to speak with an officer regarding fraudulent activity.  An officer advised the caller. 4:08pm  …

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Calendar… April 16, 2014

Upcoming Events at the Randall Library in April The Randall Library has a new website at  to find out the latest news on upcoming events, programs, reading suggestions and a whole lot more. Itsy Bitsy Yoga® for BABIES, Thursday, April 17 at 10am, and Itsy Bitsy Yoga® for TYKES -Thursday, April 17,  at 10:30am…

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In This Week’s Print Edition… April 9, 2014

Where to Buy a Copy Subscribe for Home Delivery Along with the articles featured on our website, you will find the following in this week’s print edition: New Calendar for Nashoba The Nashoba School Committee gave its nod to the district’s calendar for next school year — another version from the ones previously proposed. It…

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New Calendar for Nashoba

By Ann Needle
The Nashoba School Committee gave its nod to the district’s calendar for next school year — another version from the ones previously proposed. It also voted to establish a capital spending fund to help shore up local special education facilities.
The long-awaited calendar for the upcoming school year was approved unanimously, though it wasn’t the versions “A” and “B” the district has been looking at since December. Until last night, the School Committee appeared to favor “B,” which replaces the all-day parent/teacher conferences on Election Day (November 4) with a vacation day, and keeps a full professional development day the Friday before April vacation. (Proposal A would have kept Election Day as a conference and professional day, and made the Thursday and Friday before April vacation early release days.)

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April 19, 1775: What Did Stow Do?

By Ann Needle

Friday night, the Stow Historical Society attempted to answer the title question. The conclusion: Stow may never know much about how the town participated in the shot heard ’round the world—yet, anecdotes abound about the period surrounding the first Patriot’s Day.

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Nashoba AD Rich Wins Statewide Honor

By Rob Kean

When Nashoba High principal Dr. Parry Graham first met Tania Rich – a 2001 Nashoba graduate herself, and
new NRSD athletic director — his reaction was, “Wow, she seems kind of young to be an athletic director.”
Three years later, his reaction is ten words shorter. Just simply, “Wow.”

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The Independent Clause… April 9, 2014

Congratulations to Nashoba Athletic Director Tania Rich on being chosen from a field of of athletic directors in the state to receive the Ted Damko Award. I’d like to add my voice to those singing Tania’s praises. She has been consistently helpful to us here at the newspaper, quickly and effectively providing requested information and…

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Public Safety Report… April 9, 2014

By Kristen Kerouac Excerpts from the Public Safety Logs. Please note, arrests are made based on probable cause but do not determine guilt or innocence until proven in court. Monday March 31, 2014 1:15am MEDICAL EMERGENCY A caller from Barton Road requested an ambulance for a man who was not feeling well. The Police and…

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Calendar…April 9, 2014

SOLAR CHALLENGE “NUTS & BOLTS” FORUM APRIL 9 Wednesday, April 9, from 7pm to 9 pm, at the old Town Hall. For Stow residents and businesses who have contacted the Stow Solar Challenge installer, New England Clean Energy, and have a proposal, this forum is for you. Representatives from New England Clean Energy will discuss…

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