Breaking News

Rising Lax Stars

By Ellen Oliver

Two up and coming lacrosse players spent this summer getting extra practice with the Rising Stars Lacrosse team out of Worcester. Ben Hurley and Casey Elkins, both of whom will be juniors at Nashoba next year, joined the summer team to increase their skills and test them against a higher level of play.

The two participated in a team comprised of local lacrosse players, many of whom the boys will meet as opponents during the regular lacrosse season, but that wasn’t a problem. “We talked, we got along, we all supported each other,” said Hurley. Since many of the players hadn’t played together on a team, the players invested their time off from school with 14 lacrosse practices, before hitting the tournament circuit.

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Pizza: What’s Hot for Summer

By Ann Needle

The cliché “it’s too hot to cook” was quite likely heard last week in a lot of kitchens. With August yet to go, residents may be looking for new ideas for shutting off the oven and giving yourselves one less thing to sweat over.

In the coming weeks, the Independent will spotlight take-out spots for pizza that are a bit unexpected. Pizza is often the choice – easily served with minimum clean-up — when it gets too hot even to grill. For the lucky among you, it’s possible to easily balance a slice AND stay on your rubber float in the pool.

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Fire Chief Candidate Selected

By Nancy Arsenault

A new Fire Chief was tentatively named, Solar Energy received support and updates were given on several water sources and a potential plan for the library building at Tuesday night’s Selectmen’s meeting.

Pending contract negotiations and a physical, Stow native Joe Landry is expected to be the Town’s new Fire Chief. Landry, a Maynard Fire Captain and the Head Mechanic for the Stow Highway Department, was the unanimous choice of both the Search Committee and the Board of Selectmen. Announced at last night’s Selectmen meeting, the Hudson resident is expected to bring not only professional experience and outstanding credentials to the position, but a strategic long term approach to managing the department well into the future.

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The Independent Clause

I’d like to personally thank Greg and Mary Ellen Troxel for providing one of the “coolest” vacation photos we’ve had in awhile. Just opening up the picture in Photoshop on a day when it was nearly 100°, brought my temperature down. While the heat has now subsided a bit, you can still bask in the…

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Public Safety Log

Excerpts from the Public Safety Logs. Please note, arrests are made based on probable cause but do not determine  guilt or innocence until proven in court.  Monday July 15, 2013 8:32am ROAD SAFETY COMPLAINT A caller on State Road reported that a large vine was hanging in the road.  The Highway Department was notified. 12:55pm LARCENY A…

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Upcoming Randall Library Programs Living with Coyotes, Thursday, July 25th at 7:00pm- John Maguranis, Project Coyote Massachusetts Representative will speak about coyotes, their natural behavior, habits, and pet and human safety, as well as myths and facts about them. Come learn with us! Pumpernickel Puppets: Peter Rabbit, Thursday July 25th at 2:00pm. Pumpernickel Puppet shows are presented…

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In This Week’s Print Edition… July 24,2013

Where to Buy a Copy Subscribe for Home Delivery Car Stolen at Pine Bluffs, Thieves Caught In Police news, several car break-ins, including a theft, were reported last week at the town beach, and the man dubbed by police as the “walking robber” was released from jail after a hearing in Concord Court… Cowles Share…

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Nashoba Takes on Wolverine Challenge

By Ellen Oliver

A Nashoba-based team was the hands-down winner of the High School Wolverine Challenge held June 16-17 in Spencer, MA. The team included students, faculty, parents and friends from the Nashoba Community competing in the five-mile, muddy obstacle course on Sunday.

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River’s Edge Reaches to Stow

By Ann Needle

It offers entertainment all summer and beyond, a vibrant organization that brings a variety of opportunities to act, sing, draw, play an instrument, or simply soak in a show.

Formerly the Hudson Arts Alliance, the non-profit River’s Edge Arts Alliance changed its name to reflect that it is open to anyone wanting to participate, with about 30 surrounding towns now enjoying its work, according to River’s Edge Executive Director Lynne Johnson. “We changed the name to be more encompassing of the surrounding communities,” Johnson said. “I don’t think people understood it was one big organization.”

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