Breaking News

Town Forest Overrun with Dogs

By Nancy Arsenault

The Conservation Commission recently heard a report from Animal Control Officer Susan Latham that suggests the Town Forest conservation area off Bradley Lane is becoming so overrun with loose dogs and professional dog walkers that it may be time to consider more stringent rules for this property.

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Boys’ Hoops Creating Winning Legacy

By Ellen Oliver
The Nashoba boys’ basketball team is 8-5 after a battle with Hudson at home on Friday night. The first half was all Nashoba as the Chieftains wiggled out of a back and forth tie to pull ahead 38-28 at the half. The second half looked to be also going Nashoba’s way, until Hudson rallied to bring the score within four points in the closing minutes. Fighting off a suddenly hot Hawk team, Nashoba held on to earn the 82-76 win.

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In This Week’s Issue- January 16, 2013

Lower Village Water Could be in Sight By Nancy Arsenault Water could be flowing to Lower Village businesses from a shared water supply, drawn by a private well, in less than a year if all approvals go as smoothly as last night’s Conservation Commission vote of support. The Board unanimously voted to allow testing on…

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Public Safety Log

Excerpts from the Public Safety Logs. Please note, arrests are made based on probable cause but do not determine  guilt or innocence until proven in court. Monday January 7, 2013 2:43am FIRE A caller from West Acton Road reported that her home was on fire.  The home was evacuated.  The Police and Fire/Rescue responded.  The…

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Upcoming Events at Randall Library Thursday, January 17, 2012, 10:30-11:30am-Preschool Music Time with the Franklin School! The local performing arts school, The Franklin School of Hudson  ( will have teachers at the Randall Library in Stow to teach pre-school age children the joy of moving to and learning to read with music. Come join the…

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The Independent Clause

While Stow Community Park’s ice skating rink didn’t have a very good year weather-wise last year, this year seems to be shaping up a bit better for ice, especially as the cold temps move into the area this week. The coming week’s planned rink schedule can be found on page 3. The Recreation Commission reminds…

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January is “Friendship Kit” Time in Stow

Contributed by Margot Welsh and Rebecca Stadolnik
Many families in Stow and surrounding communities think of January as “Friendship Kit” time. Friendship Kits are Ziploc bags filled with small toys, jewelry, vitamins, and school and craft supplies, put together by members and friends of First Parish Church of Stow and Acton and personally delivered by Acton resident Bob Tabor to the children of Mercy Home Orphanage in Tiruvannamalai, India.

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Young Alpine Ski Team Races for Results

By Ellen Oliver
With just two races under their belt, the Nashoba alpine ski team is poised to increase their competitiveness as they enter the slalom portion of the six-race season. “It’s a young crowd,” said Coach Mike Gormley. The boys’ team has six freshmen, the girls’ four, with three seniors total to round out the ranks.

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Resolutions: Getting Fit and Healthy

By Nancy Arsenault
One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to become more healthy and physically fit. That resolution is the reason that fitness clubs, exercise classes and sellers of home exercise equipment see January as their busiest time of year.

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