Subscribe for Home Delivery Along with the articles featured on our website, you will find the following in this week’s print edition: Gleasondale Gets Attention from the Top Last week, State Representative Kate Hogan and members of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation met with Stow Public Safety officials, Selectmen and over a dozen residents who…
By Michael James LeClair
For the second year in a row the Nashoba Regional boys’ basketball team squashed the doubters when it comes to the Clark University High School Basketball Tournament.
By Ann Needle
Next year’s hike in the Nashoba District budget might not be substantial, but the School Committee still questioned whether the towns would find the potential assessments affordable. The SC also focused its Feb. 17 Budget Workshop on learning more about particular items proposed by three of the district’s bigger departments.
Stow Democratic Town Committee events The Stow Democratic Town Committee has three upcoming events. The monthly meeting will take place Wednesday, Feb. 24, at 7:15pm at Randall Library. New members welcome. The annual caucus to elect delegates to the MA Democratic convention will take place Saturday, Feb. 27, from 2-4 pm at Randall Library. All…
Congratulations to the Boys basketball team on their Clark Tournament win. This is only the second time Nashoba has won the invitational tournament, with the previous win back in 1977. The Stow Community Park Ice Rink is closed for the season. I know that is not good news for everyone, but at least it means…
Subscribe for Home Delivery Along with the articles featured on our website, you will find the following in this week’s print edition: Savings Touted for New Electric Line The Selectmen learned Tuesday night that Stow will be along the route of a new electrical transmission line that may bring savings to Stow’s Hudson Light and…
By Michael James LeClair
Any coach will tell you that the perfect team isn’t one loaded with self-centered superstars but instead a squad with a core of players playing together as one cohesive unit with the same ultimate goal. Such is the case at Hale Middle School in Stow.
By Ann Needle
Soaring health costs are not news, but how larger hospitals help control these costs, while still offering quality care, may be a surprise to some. Rather than cutting services, health care is reaching deeper into communities and neighborhoods.