Breaking News


Pure Indian Cuisine in Sudbury

By Jordana Bieze Foster
Paani, you had me at “Goan fish curry.”
The first and last time I had Goan fish curry was when vacationing in Goa, a tropical region on the western coast of India. The dish, chunks of tender white fish stewed in a luxuriously thick sauce of ginger, tamarind, and coconut milk, was one of the culinary highlights of our visit, but something I’d never seen on a menu at an Indian restaurant in the States.
So when I saw Goan fish curry on the menu at Paani, on route 20 in Sudbury, I was simultaneously excited to try their version and a little apprehensive that it wouldn’t compare to the delectable dish etched in my memory.

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No MSBA Intent Filed in January

By Nancy Arsenault
The Nashoba Regional School District will not be filing a Statement of Intent with the Massachusetts School Building Authority in January. An SOI filing would have presented possible intentions of building a new high school for the District or a high school renovation/addition project.

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Middle School Honor Roll May Disappear… Nov. 26, 2014

By Nancy Arsenault
By this time next year, Nashoba middle school students may be working toward a mix of academic achievements, prizes and recognitions, rather than the traditional Honor Roll. At last week’s School Committee meeting, the group addressed this topic, the future of half-day kindergarten and expanded parking at the high school.

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Spotlight on Nashoba Traffic Woes

By Ann Needle
The impact of Nashoba Regional High School’s growing number of students is spreading outdoors. With traffic patterns and parking becoming an issue, last Thursday morning Nashoba Superintendent Michael Wood conducted a public tour of the parking areas around the building, discussing potential solutions for adjusting that space.

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Veterans Honored at Stow Breakfast… Nov. 12, 2014

By Nancy Arsenault In recent years, the Stow Veterans Day Breakfast has become an opportunity for the greater community to hear recollections of real wartime experiences from a roster of outstanding speakers, and this year was no exception. Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley, in conjunction with the Stow Council on Aging, nearly…

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Nashoba Looks at MCAS Scores

By Ann Needle
The principals of each district school last Wednesday presented the Nashoba School Committee with analysis of the latest MCAS scores — and agreed that high-needs students across the district are lagging. In other topics, the committee postponed discussion on several portions of its agenda, including consideration of a new honor roll system.

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A Dog-Gone Spooky Parade

By Ann Needle
Approximately 15 dogs and their humans strutted their stuff at Pet Source in Stow Shopping Center for the seventh Annual Monster Bark, a parade and costume extravaganza that brought out the creative side of local pet caretakers.

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The Wedding that Took a Village

By Ann Needle
The beaming bride and groom were surrounded by loving family and friends, and dancing and a feast. But beyond the trappings of a traditional nuptial celebration, the wedding blessing of John Atem Deng and Elizabeth Barach at First Parish of Bolton earlier this month would be remarkable, even without the outpouring of support from Stow, Bolton, and Lancaster for this special day.

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Nashoba Seeks Accountability… Oct. 15, 2014

By Ann Needle
The Nashoba School Committee voted in a salary increase last Wednesday for Superintendent Michael Wood. Most of the school committee meeting, however, was spent debating how to make both district and administrative goals more measurable and realistic.

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Recognizing the Signs of Drug Use… Oct. 8, 2014

By Ann Needle
With almost 44% of high school students reporting they had used drugs in the month prior to the Emerson Hospital survey, Nashoba Regional High School offered parents a glimpse into how to recognize drug use, and the importance of immediate treatment if it is suspected.

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