Breaking News


Correction to SAPN Playgroups Listing in Rec Brochure Dear Editor:    I’d like to make a correction to the recent Town Recreation Fall booklet.  The Stow Area Parent Network playgroups were posted incorrectly. The correct ages, times and dates are as follows: Wed. 10-12 ages 0-5 Thur 10-12 ages 1-3    Playgroups will be held…

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Selectmen Notes

By Nancy Arsenault
The town events calendar is filling up as quickly as is the fall school calendar, especially if town residents are looking for social and recreational outlets.

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Science Labs: The 8+Million Question

By Ann Needle
The much-discussed plans to renovate Nashoba Regional High School’s Science classrooms and labs were officially unveiled last night at a special School Committee meeting. Along with it came the question of whether the estimated price tag of more than $8 million would purchase what the district needs — or if the towns could afford it at all.

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Meeting House Celebrates 10 Years

By Nancy Arsenault
A Village within a village. That’s how residents of Meeting House at Stow spoke of their special neck of the woods at the senior living facility’s 10th anniversary celebration last week.

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Big Changes for Some Stow Students

By Ann Needle
Something is missing, and it’s a sure sign of the times. Gone from the Nashoba Regional web site is the link to a dedicated site for Pompositticut School. Kindergarten through grade 3 classrooms have officially moved into the new Center School for the September 4 start of school.

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Oliver All Over: Running the Rapids

By Ellen Oliver
Helmet? Check. PFD, paddle, stubby little boat? Got them. To navigate the Class I-III rapids of the Deerfield River, you need those items, plus a snug spray skirt to keep the water out of the whitewater kayak while it secures you inside. A daunting thought when I realized that if I needed to get out of the kayak fast, I was most likely underwater.

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