By Jess Thomas
The Nashoba Boys and Girls track teams performed at a high level this seasonand each group had a couple of individual athletes who took their talents all the way to the MIAA All-State track and field championship and New England track and field championship.
Submitted by Steve Sharek, Minuteman Director of Outreach
In hopes of saving a $44 million state grant and securing final approval to build a new high school, the Minuteman School Committee has decided to submit the issue directly to the voters of its member towns. On June 27, the Committee voted 12-1, with one abstention, to conduct a District-wide referendum on approval of bonding for the project.
Summer Schedule!
Subscribe for Home Delivery Along with the articles featured on our website, you will find the following in this week’s print edition: Selectmen Pass Decision to Voters Choosing not to waive their Right of First Refusal, the Board of Selectmen voted unanimously Tuesday night to place the fate of 241 Boxboro Road into the hands…
By Ann Needle
At its June 15 meeting, the Nashoba School Committee heard mostly good end-of-year budget news that will carry into next school year.
Stow Youth Basketball Association Annual Meeting On Wednesday, June 22, SYBA will be holding its Annual Meeting at the Randall Library from 7pm-9pm. We welcome any newcomers to join us. If your kids are part of the Bomber’s Program or played on a Stow Recreation Basketball team this year, this is a great opportunity to get…
Subscribe for Home Delivery Along with the articles featured on our website, you will find the following in this week’s print edition: Seen ‘N Heard Around Stow Stow Away Golf Course, a fixture on White Pond Road since the early 1900s, is undergoing some major changes. The family-owned business has remained locked and surrounded by…
Subscribe for Home Delivery Along with the articles featured on our website, you will find the following in this week’s print edition: Selectmen not Slowing Down for Summer Summer will be anything but slow for the Selectmen who, at their meeting Tuesday night, scheduled a Special Town Meeting for Aug. 8 and discussed the potential…