Welcome to the Online Edition for Aug. 28, 2019! This is the paper for this week. There will be no print edition. We will resume our regular weekly print schedule starting next week, with the Sept. 4 edition. Happy Back to School and summer’s end!
I have to apologize to Natalie Brown from the Nashoba field hockey team, seen at right, whose photo was featured on last week’s front page. Someone was apparently paying a little too much attention to the election results and forgot to identify Natalie’s photo and give photo credit to Susan Shaye. My apologies! Congratulations to…
With this most unusual election season, comes a new option for voters. Read all about early voting in Ann’s article on page 1 and in the Clerk’s Corner at right. No matter how you vote, the most important thing is that you do vote. With most eyes on the presidential race, it’s easy to lose…
You may have heard about a young man from Lunenburg, my hometown, that was killed in a car accident in which his close friend of many years was driving. I don’t know them personally, but my son does, and there are many connections through mutual friends and, sadly, the accident happened directly across the road…
I promised last week that I would NOT complain about the heat or humidity. And I am a woman of my word… Next week is our Back to School Edition, which will be sent to all Stow residents, businesses and PO Boxes. The edition…
Well, vacation is over, but it’s still summer, so there’s that. We had a great week and it was hard to get back into the swing of things, but that’s to be expected. This is our ONLINE ONLY edition. The remaining summer schedule is: INTERNET ONLY* (NO PRINT PAPER): July 13 and Aug. 17 The…
Summer Schedule!
My condolences to Dwight Sipler and friends and family of Barbara Sipler on her passing last week. When Nancy and I started the paper nine years ago, Barbara kindly offered her thoughts and well wishes in the first edition, writing a very nice welcome. Barbara served the town well and made many friends and acquaintances…
To quickly follow up on my Windows 10 fiasco– overall, the operating system was okay, except it didn’t play well with my publishing software, which was a deal breaker. (It also led me to overwrite the Bolton paper file update, creating a lot of unnecessary work). So I ended up rolling back to Windows 7,…
Well, this should be an interesting paper. In the middle of Tuesday afternoon, Windows 10 randomly started downloading onto my computer. Shutting down my access to my computer and changing the entire operating system. While I was working. In the middle of my craziest deadline day. I had no choice but to let it downlaod,…