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Make Tracks to Rail Trail Flatbread Co.

By Ellen Oliver

Just opened in Hudson, the Rail Trail Flatbread Co. may be the place to find your friends and neighbors. Situated on Main Street, RTFB appears to be the place to be, so be prepared for a wait along with good food. We went on a Friday night about 7:30 pm and had to wait about 30 minutes for a table.

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January is “Friendship Kit” Time in Stow

Contributed by Margot Welsh and Rebecca Stadolnik
Many families in Stow and surrounding communities think of January as “Friendship Kit” time. Friendship Kits are Ziploc bags filled with small toys, jewelry, vitamins, and school and craft supplies, put together by members and friends of First Parish Church of Stow and Acton and personally delivered by Acton resident Bob Tabor to the children of Mercy Home Orphanage in Tiruvannamalai, India.

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Resolutions: Getting Fit and Healthy

By Nancy Arsenault
One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to become more healthy and physically fit. That resolution is the reason that fitness clubs, exercise classes and sellers of home exercise equipment see January as their busiest time of year.

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Cliff-side Financial Resolutions

By Nancy Arsenault

While lawmakers were able to make a last minute save from a free fall off the so-called fiscal cliff, there are still changes to the tax laws that will affect most people’s pocketbooks now, with potentially more to come. Making and sticking to financial resolutions can make any future financial challenges less painful.

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Erasing a Home’s Silent Enemy

By Ann Needle

Selling the home of a departed parent is never easy — and tougher still when surprises arise. Margie Lynch found herself in that situation when she was selling her late mother Jean’s house on West Acton Road in Stow. Now, Lynch wants to help other homeowners avoid the same peril.

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Past Tense: Boston Post Cane in Stow

Boston Post Cane in Stow by Lew Halprin   A feature article in a recent issue of The Stow Independent honored Donald Brown as he celebrated his 104th birthday on Nov 26, 2012.  At the 2007 COA Senior Picnic, he was presented with the Boston Post Cane.  For those of you who don’t know what…

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