Breaking News


Nutrition on Any Budget…Sept. 23, 2015

By Ann Needle

In today’s America, there is a lot of food out there that does not cost a lot. But, as Registered Dietician Lucy Hutchings pointed out, a good portion of it does not pack a nutritional punch—and that’s a problem for every shopper, especially those on a tight budget.

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Don’t Toss It, Learn How to Fix It …Sept. 16, 2015

By Nancy Arsenault
We all have them – in the basement, garage and attic – broken or unusable items that have collected over the years, waiting for that day sometime in the future when we might have the time or the skills, to bring them back to life.

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The Fairest Fests of Fall…Sept. 9, 2015

By Ann Needle
Chances are you have heard about a fall festival when it is too late, yet forget about it the following year. Before fall 2015 also slips away into kids’ soccer schedules and yard maintenance, note some of these fairs and festivals in the general area. We have focused on those events you may not know about, but appear to pack fun for many ages on a sunny weekend.

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“Most Important Year” In Minuteman High’s History… August 26, 2015

Submitted by Judy Bass
The upcoming year may be “the most important in Minuteman High School’s history,” said Principal Jack Dillon.
A pending initiative that will significantly affect the Lexington-based school for decades to come is likely to make substantial progress toward being resolved in the next 12 months.

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Space Task Force to Send Back Bids…August 19, 2015

By Ann Needle

Members of the Nashoba Regional High School Space Task Force began detailing its next steps for the 2015/16 school year last night. Its first move was to reject several bids from firms offering to do a thorough study of demographic trends in the district over the next 15 years.

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Stow Teen Takes the Long Trail… August 19, 2015

By Ann Needle
Even the confidence of a 17 year old usually does not go as far as hiking continuously in summer heat for a month over hundreds of miles. For Stow’s Erica Taft, it does.

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Town Halts Collings Museum … August 5 2015

By Nancy Arsenault
“This will really put Stow on the map,” said Town Administrator Bill Wrigley, without enthusiasm. He was referring to the recent decision by the Planning Board regarding the Collings Foundation and the expected court action that will follow.

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Annual Bike for the Woods to Raise Money for Stow Conservation Trust… July 29, 2015

The Stow Bike for the Woods ride will be held on Sunday, August 23, beginning at 9:00 a.m. All routes start at the Randall Library in Stow with registration opening at 8:30 a.m.

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Stow Minutemen Turn 50… July 29, 2015

By Ann Needle
The Stow Minutemen Co. turned 50 this year, and the math called for a celebration Saturday, July 25 of a legend that has drawn in scores of families in and around Stow. Founded in 1965 as a reenactment group of military and civilian life in Stow as the Revolutionary War broke out, the Minutemen are perhaps best known as the group that marches to Concord on Patriots Day every year, stepping off before the sun rises.

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Past Tense… July 29, 2015

Stories from Stow’s History Compiled by Lew Halprin   Governor from Stow Everyone knows that our neighbor, the town of Hudson, had one of its own serve as governor. However, according to a 2003 article by Bob Tremblay for The Daily News and from Internet sources Wikipedia and NNDB, Stow also had a Governor, Governor…

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