Oct. 1 2014 By Ann Needle At its meeting last Wednesday, the Nashoba School Committee focused on sharpening how it tracks and handles student behavior and teacher progress. On October 31, the district will host a training session on how to recognize possible substance abuse in students, announced Superintendent Michael Wood. He explained that the…
By Ann Needle
Pressure is mounting for Nashoba Regional administrators to make a solid case for why (and how) the high school should be updated. At Thursday’s meeting of the Nashoba Regional Space Study Task Force, members also questioned whether the group would be ready to meet a state deadline to apply for funding of any renovations.
By Ann Needle
The Nashoba School Committee officially welcomed the new school year on September 10, with its first meeting of 2014/2015. At the meeting, Committee members questioned some of the often-debated changes that could take place this new year.
By Ann Needle
This school year opened with lots of buzz about Nashoba Regional High School’s space needs. Last Wednesday in Lancaster, the Nashoba Tri-Town Committee became the third group in the district over the last two weeks to question just how NRHS should expand to fit its growing population.
By Ann Needle
The building has not had a major renovation since it opened 40 years ago, so few dispute that Minuteman Regional Vocational High School needs a facelift. With that may come a big change in Minutmen’s enrollment numbers.
By Nancy Arsenault
Nashoba Superintendent Michael Woods is looking to build a new high school, according to Mark Dobyns Jones, Stow’s representative to the Nashoba Regional High School Space Study Task Force. “It could be in the same space, it could be on another piece of land,” said Jones at Tuesday night’s Selectmen’s meeting.
By Ann Needle
Summer brought some big changes to both the Stow schools and Nashoba Regional High School. When school opens August 27, families can expect new staff and learning options at its schools.
UPDATE: August 19: E.Coli Levels Down Stow Board of Health Agent Jack Wallace issued the following update on the E. Coli levels at Lake Boon: The four samples taken at Lake Boon on Monday 8/18/14 by Microbac Labs were reported today Tuesday 8/19/14. The results are the following: Pine Bluffs Beach 114 colonies…
August 13, 2014 By Nancy Arsenault The Board of Selectmen conducted a nearly three hour meeting Tuesday night and addressed a number of issues including earth removal permits, economic development, Town Hall rental and Boxboro Road traffic. Resident Faces Stiff Penalties for Earth Removal Nathanial Smith of Randall Road is facing possible fines as…
Peter J. Laskey, 88 Peter J. Laskey, age 88, of Stow, passed away peacefully on Friday, August 8 at his home, surrounded by his loving family. He was the beloved husband of Elizabeth (Ostrowski) Laskey, to whom he was married to for 60 years. Born in Greenfield on July 20, 1926, he was the son…