Randall Library Programs For more information on library programs, visit our new website at http://www. RandallLibraryStow.org Stow Lions Club Monthly Dinner Meeting This month the Stow Lions will hold our monthly dinner meeting on Wednesday, January 22 at 7:30. We will be meeting at Emma’s Café in the Stow Shopping Center (117 Great Road). Our…
Where to Buy a Copy Subscribe for Home Delivery Project Cost Projections Expected Tuesday night, the Board of Selectmen and the Capital Building Projects Oversight Committee met separately but discussed the same topics – updates on the status of a new fire station, library and community center… Fitness Resolutions Can Find a Home New Year’s…
Randall Library Programs Author Michael Tougias will appear at the Randall Library on January 16th at 7:00pm to give a slide presentation on his new book A Storm Too Soon: A True Story of Disaster, Survival and Incredible Rescue. This dramatic and inspiring program is free and suitable for all ages. A Storm Too Soon…
Where to Buy a Copy Subscribe for Home Delivery Stow Gets a Ride to Boys & Girls Club Half-days for young students can leave working parents scrambling for safe, affordable—and fun—options for child care. But, any choices outside of town may be no good without transportation from Center School. Come next week, there’s a new…
Personal Item Drive through January 10, 2014 The Nashoba Regional High School Drama Society is hosting a Personal Items Drive to benefit local two social relief organizations, WHEAT and the Stow Food Pantry, who serve residents in the Nashoba Regional School District. For the month of December and extending until January 10, 2014, the NRHS…
Harmony and Dissonance: Music’s Message for Us On Sunday, January 5th, at 9 and 11 am, the First Parish Church of Stow and Acton will begin the New Year with a special service led by members of our Parish Jazz Band. Come and be treated not only to great music but also an important message…
January 2, 2014; 2:30PM The Office of the State Fire Marshal and Stow Fire officials issued a fire safety warning as we enter a weekend of extremely cold weather, perhaps the coldest in years. “This weekend will tax our heating and electrical systems as we try to stay warm, so a little caution can help…
Where to Buy a Copy Subscribe for Home Delivery Year’s End Town Wrap Up As the year winds down, some issues continue to simmer in Stow while others are wrapping up. Here’s a status update on just a few of the major topics that received public attention over the course of the year… Winter Wallop…
By Rob Kean
On Easter Sunday 2010, a father from Needham watched his 10-year-old son take off with his grandfather in the latter’s Cessna from Hanscom Air Force Base in Bedford. A short time later, he received that phone call every parent dreads.
There’d been an accident.
Attempting to land at Minute Man Air Field in Stow, grandfather and grandson had encountered an ill wind that bounced their plane off the tarmac, and though a “go-around” flight maneuver was attempted, the aircraft plunged nose-first into the ground and cartwheeled before coming to rest upside down in the early Spring mud.
Christmas Services First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (Unitarian Universalist) 353 Great Rd. Stow 978/897-8149; [email protected]; www.fpc-stow-acton.org December 22, 9 a.m. How Unitarians Saved Christmas Unitarians are responsible for the greatest Christmas stories, famous Christmas Carols, the Santa Claus we know today (chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf), and many of the…