Breaking News



  Car Wash Fundraiser     Spring has finally sprung and it is time to wash away all signs of winter including the sand and salt! The Hale2Washington 8th graders will be hosting a car wash at Infinite Automotive (100 Great Road in Stow) on Saturday, May 4th from 10am-4pm. Suggested donation of $5/car, $10/van or…

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In This Week’s Print Edition… April 24,2013

Where to Buy a Copy Subscribe for Home Delivery It’s Decision Time for Stow Voters Stow residents once again have the opportunity to determine how their tax dollars will be spent, and ultimately, how high their taxes will need to be to pay for the schools and to run town services. On Monday, May 6…

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Randall Library Special Programs Wednesday, April 24, 2013 @ 3:00pm, -YA Author Kate Burak Reading from Her Book-Emily’s Dress and Other Missing Things.- Renowned author Kate Burak  will be meeting with young adults to speak about and read from her riveting book Emily’s Dress and Other Missing Things. Come meet the author as she speaks…

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Randall Library Special Programs Thursday, April 18, 2013, 7:00pm-Poets Speak In honor of National Poetry Month the Randall Library in Stow will be having two distinguished poets visit the library and speak about their work. Rodney Wittwer and Donna Johnson will be at the Randall Library so please join us for refreshments and poetry readings…

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In This Week’s Print Edition… April 17, 2013

Where to Buy a Copy Subscribe for Home Delivery Safely Back in Stow As the days unfold, many personal stories will come out of this week’s Boston Marathon and the incidents that transformed the outcome of that day. For many people, their tale is based on a belief that somehow fate had a hand in…

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Book Donations for the Randall Library Friends Association Book Sale We will begin accepting donations for our upcoming book sale at the Randall Library in Stow beginning on April 1st (the book sale will be happening in May) Here is your chance to start a little spring cleaning and help out a worthy cause at…

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In This Week’s Print Edition… April 10, 2013

Where to Buy a Copy Subscribe for Home Delivery Selectmen Notes In a series of short discussions, the Board of Selectmen quickly moved through their agenda items at Tuesday  nights’ meeting. Town Administrator Bill Wrigley reported that the Capital Projects Oversight Committee is looking at ways to lessen the cost of the proposed fire station…

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Book Donations for the Randall Library Friends Association Book Sale We will begin accepting donations for our upcoming book sale at the Randall Library in Stow beginning on April 1st (the book sale will be happening in May) Here is your chance to start a little spring cleaning and help out a worthy cause at…

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In This Week’s Print Edition… April 3, 2013

Where to Buy a Copy Subscribe for Home Delivery Chief McLaughlin to Retire Stow Fire Chief Mike McLaughlin surprised colleagues and town officials on Thursday when he announced he will be resigning June 30th, with one year remaining in his second 3-year contract… The State of Agriculture in Stow Spring is finally here and for…

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In This Week’s Print Edition… March 27, 2013

Where to Buy a Copy Subscribe for Home Delivery Selectmen Approve Budget Proposal The Board of Selectmen last night approved Town Administrator Bill Wrigley’s budget of over $25M for FY 2014. The budget includes a small General Municipal increase of 3.35%, for the funds needed to run town government, pay employees, fund programs and operations….

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