Breaking News


The Independent Clause…February 26, 2014

It’s with great sadness that we relay the news of the passing of Dr. Donald Brown, at 105 years. As Stow’s oldest resident and Boston Post Cane holder, Dr. Brown has been an active part of the Stow community for many, many years. Our sincere condolences to his children, grandchildren and to the many friends…

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The Independent Clause… February 19, 2014

Gee, there’s a snowstorm in progress as I type this on Tuesday. How new and completely different….than the last 352 snowstorms this winter. That may be a slight exaggeration; maybe there have only been 350. Whoever keeps singing “Let it Snow” – please stop. We don’t mean to add to the snow totals, but readers…

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The Independent Clause… February 12, 2014

As I sit here once again freezing my fingers off, I am contemplating the reports of yet another foot of snow headed my way. I don’t think it will be quite that bad in Stow, but here in Lunenburg, aka the Siberian Outpost, we are once again in the jackpot area. Yes, “jackpot” they say……

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The Independent Clause… Feb. 5, 2014

By the time you are reading this, my prediction is that the ground will be all white and school-aged children everywhere will be rejoicing. Of course, this being New England, it could also be sunny and 70. As long as I have my MILK AND BREAD, I’m all set. I hope. And it’s supposed to clear long…

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The Independent Clause… Jan. 29, 2014

Like many others, we are watching our supply of wood for the woodstove dwindle far more quickly than expected. We really thought we were set for the season, with some to spare. We supplement with oil heat and after the earlier cold snap(s), we decided to get more oil and we’re still running low on…

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The Independent Clause… January 22, 2014

Picking  my son up from basketball practice at 5pm the other day, I noticed it was still light outside. It was “dusky”, but I could still see quite a bit.  And as I happily contemplated this breakthrough of sorts, I drove past my turn, up to the center of town, adding 5 minutes on to…

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The Independent Clause…Jan. 15, 2014

Just before press time, we received the sad news that Ernest Goldman had passed away. Goldman had celebrated his 100th birthday this past December  and had most recently been featured in our November 13 edition. A longtime resident, Ernest was well known for his role in the development of the Sounds of Stow musical  performance…

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The Independent Clause… January 8, 2014

Happy New Year! Welcome to the frozen tundra that is 2014. Hope you were able to visit the website last week for our January 3 online edition. If you haven’t yet,  the articles are posted here and include the recent Tri-Town meeting with officials and reps from the three Nashoba District towns and the District…

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The Independent Clause… Happy New Year 2014

Happy New Year! Happy very cold, extremely cold, frigidly, bitterly cold New Year! There just aren’t enough “colds” to adequately describe my thoughts on this weather. And last night was just the primer for what should prove to be a really good time tonight. The weather people are predicting -12 degrees overnight at my home…

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The Independent Clause

Stow Independent Annual Holiday Break! With both Christmas and New Year’s Day falling on Wednesdays this year, we will not publish a print paper either Dec. 25 or Jan 1. We will, however, run a limited online edition on Jan. 3, 2014. If there is any major breaking news during the holiday print break, we…

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