Breaking News


The Independent Clause…. May 7, 2014

The big news of the week is the approval from Town Meeting voters to begin the design phase of a new Fire Station and Community Center to be located in the former Pompo School building. With a nearly unanimous vote of the 233 people in attendance at the meeting, it seems the people have spoken….

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The Independent Clause… April 30, 2014

As promised last week, we bring more information on the Town Warrant Articles that will be up for vote at this coming week’s Town Meeting. If you want a say in how your tax money is spent, how much your taxes are raised, what services are provided by the town and more, attend Town Meeting…

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The Independent Clause…April 23, 2014

Welcome to our townwide Town Warrant distribution edition.  Not only is the full Town Warrant enclosed for your perusal, but Nancy also walks through several of the key articles on the warrant in part 1 of “Where Will Your Tax Dollars Go?” Look for more articles to be addressed in part 2 appearing in next…

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The Independent Clause… April 16, 2014

Happy Anniversary to The Stow Independent! It was actually several weeks ago – proves how well we’re paying attention! April 4, 2007 was our first issue. Seven years later, we’re still going strong and we hope we’ve continued to inform, educate and entertain you over the years. One of the articles in our first edition…

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The Independent Clause… April 9, 2014

Congratulations to Nashoba Athletic Director Tania Rich on being chosen from a field of of athletic directors in the state to receive the Ted Damko Award. I’d like to add my voice to those singing Tania’s praises. She has been consistently helpful to us here at the newspaper, quickly and effectively providing requested information and…

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The Independent Clause… April 2, 2014

With this issue, we bid “see you soon” to sportswriter Ellen Oliver who has taken on a new position outside of the newspaper business. Ellen has been with us for over 6 years and has brought so much to the paper with her great writing skills, ability to “get the story,” flexibility, dependability… you name…

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The Independent Clause… March 26, 2014

I don’t know if there’s something in the air? In the water? Maybe the moon is full and Mercury is in retrograde. (Anyone else remember the Cosmic Muffin on Boston’s WBCN radio back in the dark ages?) The strangest things have happened this past week and have made it a very intense time to be in…

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The Independent Clause…March 19, 2014

Our sympathies to the family of longtime resident Ralph Bernklow, father of Selectmen Gary Bernklow, who passed away last week. Mr. Bernklow was involved in many youth activities in town and will be fondly remembered by many. It certainly was “one of those weeks” as I watched the story plans for both papers crash and…

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The Independent Clause.. March 12, 2014

March 12, 2014 With Town Meeting and Town Election on their way in less than 2 months, things are gearing up with budget talks and candidates. Below is a list of the current positions that are up for election this May. Next to the position(s) are the names of those Stow residents that have taken…

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The Independent Clause…March 5, 2014

March 5, 2014 Despite the fact that it was 5° Tuesday morning, this coming weekend is officially spring. Well, at least it’s Spring Forward for Daylight Saving Time. Somehow I don’t think it’s going to do much for the weather, but at least it’s a sign of hope. It’s also a good time to check…

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