Breaking News


Gun Laws Explained at TAGSC Meeting

By Ellen Oliver

The details and intricacies of Massachusetts gun laws, including the possession, transportation and storage of guns in the Commonwealth, were explained on Thursday night at the South Hangar of Minute Man Air Field in Stow.

The information was presented by Jon Green, Director of Education and Training of the Gun Owners’ Action League (GOAL) and sponsored by The Assabet Gun Safety Coalition.

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Nashoba Calls for 3.7% Budget Hike

By Ann Needle

Nashoba District administration proposed a $50.5 million budget for the 2014/15 school year at last night’s School Committee meeting. This would be a hike of just over 3.7% from the current year’s budget, not including offsets such as grants.

The proposed hike is slightly less than the 3.9% hike proposed for 2013/14. However, as in previous years, the final budget for this school year ended up with a smaller increase of 3.14% once staff and the School Committee finished compromising over the numbers.

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New Coalition Hosts Gun Safety Seminar

By Nancy Arsenault
There’s a new organization in the area determined to make a public statement regarding gun control and gun safety. “We are not all criminals because we have guns,” said Stow resident Craig Schomp, who feels gun legislation should not be designed in a manner that automatically treats gun owners as if they are criminals or suspected criminals. “We are people who like to hunt, trap, shoot clay pigeons and we have families and jobs just like everyone else.”

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School Schedule Changes Discussed

By Ann Needle The School Committee put off a vote last night on the proposed 2014/15 school calendar, hoping some awaited changes will come through on the teachers’ contracts. Meanwhile, the school day may look a lot different next year. Last month, Nashoba administration presented the Committee with two proposed calendars. The recommended version “B”…

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Obituary…Spring Memorial Planned for Ernest Goldman *Updated January 17, 2014

By Cyndy Bremer Stow resident Ernest Goldman, 100, passed away at his home on Tuesday evening after a period of declining health, surrounded by his family. Goldman had just turned 100 years old this past December and had made a birthday appearance at the fall concert of the Sounds of Stow, a group he co-founded…

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While Waiting Out the Next Storm

January 8, 2014 By Nancy Arsenault Last week’s winter storm extended Christmas vacation for the school kids by two Snow Days and delivered an uncommon light and fluffy snowfall. According to Stow resident and WHDH TV meteorologist Jeremy Reiner,  that is a rarity in eastern New England, which is more accustomed to heavy wet snowstorms. …

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Call for More School Oversight

Jan 3, 2014 By Ann Needle Amid a sometimes-tense discussion at the December 18 Nashoba Tri-Town Committee meeting, officials from Nashoba’s three District towns called for more oversight of school spending. Though it was unclear just how the Regional School District budget should be more closely monitored, town officials urged caution in school spending, as…

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First Responders Honored at Minute Man

By Rob Kean

On Easter Sunday 2010, a father from Needham watched his 10-year-old son take off with his grandfather in the latter’s Cessna from Hanscom Air Force Base in Bedford. A short time later, he received that phone call every parent dreads.
There’d been an accident.

Attempting to land at Minute Man Air Field in Stow, grandfather and grandson had encountered an ill wind that bounced their plane off the tarmac, and though a “go-around” flight maneuver was attempted, the aircraft plunged nose-first into the ground and cartwheeled before coming to rest upside down in the early Spring mud.

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Police Will Now Carry Defibrillators

By Nancy Arsenault

While the Stow EMTs on the ambulance always arrive with defibrillators, the Stow Police are often the first responders to an accident or other medical call, and up until now, they have not had access to these life saving machines in their vehicles. There is one defibrillator in the police station, for anyone who might drive there or walk in with an immediate medical condition.

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Nashoba May Cut February Break

By Ann Needle Last night, the Nashoba School Committee was asked to consider a substantially different school calendar for next year, in order to give teachers more time for planning and professional development. The Committee appeared willing to consider the proposed changes. In presenting the Nashoba Calendar Committee’s two proposed calendars for the 2014/15 school…

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