By Ann Needle
Nashoba District administration proposed a $50.5 million budget for the 2014/15 school year at last night’s School Committee meeting. This would be a hike of just over 3.7% from the current year’s budget, not including offsets such as grants.
The proposed hike is slightly less than the 3.9% hike proposed for 2013/14. However, as in previous years, the final budget for this school year ended up with a smaller increase of 3.14% once staff and the School Committee finished compromising over the numbers.
By Ann Needle
Picture (or experience) sitting in Route 2 west traffic at rush hour, coming up to the dreaded Concord Rotary. No, I don’t know why you would over-shoot exits for Stow, but you did. Your stomach growls, focus wanes. Before you lose it and check into the Best Western, stop at Asian Gourmet, that white, nondescript restaurant sitting next to Papa Razzi.
By Ellen Oliver
Basketball – Girls
The Chieftains are poised for a return to post-season success, qualifying for the play-offs with their 83-54 win over Auburn. The key for the girls is to look no further than the next opponent.
“We are focusing on each game, seeing what we can do to get better,” said senior Cecilia Burke, who is a team captain along with Emma Duggan and Emmalie Keenan. While the focus may be near-term, there is a larger goal. “We really want to win, we’re looking for states. For me, it’s the last year to do it,” added Burke.
Like many others, we are watching our supply of wood for the woodstove dwindle far more quickly than expected. We really thought we were set for the season, with some to spare. We supplement with oil heat and after the earlier cold snap(s), we decided to get more oil and we’re still running low on…
Randall Library Programs For more information on library programs, visit our new website at http://www. Gun Law For Citizens A public meeting sponsored by the Assabet Gun Safety Coalition in combination with the Gun Owners Action League (GOAL) of Massachusetts, will feature a lecture by Jon Green on “Gun Law for Citizens”. This event…
Excerpts from the Public Safety Logs. Please note, arrests are made based on probable cause but do not determine guilt or innocence until proven in court. Monday January 20, 2014 9:42am MEDICAL EMERGENCY A caller from Great Road requested an ambulance because he/she was having convulsions. The Police and Fire/Rescue responded. The ambulance transported the…
Where to Buy a Copy Subscribe for Home Delivery Bringing Warmth in Many Ways “I feel like we just won the Lottery,” exclaimed Al Wheeler, Chairman of the Stow Friends of the Council on Aging, after the entire seventh grade at Hale Middle School gathered in the auditorium last Friday to present Wheeler with a…
By Nancy Arsenault
There’s a new organization in the area determined to make a public statement regarding gun control and gun safety. “We are not all criminals because we have guns,” said Stow resident Craig Schomp, who feels gun legislation should not be designed in a manner that automatically treats gun owners as if they are criminals or suspected criminals. “We are people who like to hunt, trap, shoot clay pigeons and we have families and jobs just like everyone else.”
By Ann Needle
Last week’s Independent gave you small, do-able—and effective — steps to take toward your New Year’s resolutions. This week you can read more tips from local experts about the simple ways you could shore up your living space and mental health in 2014.