Stow’s long defunct railroad ran from Marlborough, past Hudson, through Gleasondale, past Lake Boon, along the river through Maynard to Acton. Its rails are spaced exactly 4 ft 8.5 inches wide. Why such an odd number? It’s nothing unique to Stow; in fact that’s the spacing of railroad tracks throughout the US, actually throughout most…
Excerpts from the Public Safety Logs. Please note, arrests are made based on probable cause but do not determine guilt or innocence until proven in court. Monday September 3, 2012 8:21am ANIMAL A caller from Gleasondale Road reported that two black sheep were in his yard. The owner was notified to pick up the sheep. …
Upcoming Library Programs Wednesday, September 12th, 2012, 3:30 pm-Local author Julie Berry will be at the Randall Library in Stow to read from her new young adult book “Secondhand Charm”. She will also be available for questions and answers and will talk about her writing process. Books will be available for signing. Friday, September 14,…
By Ellen Oliver
On Sunday, September 9, Starz Salon in Sudbury is holding a Cut-A-Thon to support the Tecumseh Foundation, set up by William and Vanessa Hurley in honor of their son, Will, who passed away in May.
By Ann Needle
Chances are, every Independent reader has been touched by cancer, whether it is a family member’s diagnosis, a friend’s battle with the disease, or his or her own ordeal
By Ellen Oliver
While dreaming up ways to raise funds for the upcoming season, the Nashoba Girls’ Soccer team (NGS) wanted to do something that tapped into their core strengths
By Ann Needle
While Stow’s elementary school students are enjoying a new Center School, they are not cooling off with sips of tap water quite yet.
Want to read this week’s letters (and there are plenty of them…)? Pick up a copy of the September 12 Stow Independent at one of these retail locations. Or better yet, SUBSCRIBE for home delivery! Good Mental Health? On Aug 1st an email was sent out to the Minuteman Library Network for a Library…
Sitting on a shelf in the Town Vault was this copy of an article that had no identification of author, date or origin except for the curious initials “I.S.” at the end. It is a very light capsulated version of Stow’s familiar history told in an unusual way that needs to be shared. Stow, a…