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Past Tense….Outhouse on the Common

By Lew Halprin
In a previous Past Tense, I talked about Outhouses of Stow and indicated that there didn’t appear to be any outhouses still remaining in Stow. Not so! The day after, several e-mails from at least 4 residents came in describing outhouses on their property. Actually, all but one were ‘in-houses’ since they were actually located in a corner of the house or barn, but there was one that was an actual outside outhouse. I won’t say where to avoid embarrassing anyone, but it is right here in Stow between their barn and chicken coop (see picture).

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Past Tense…Outhouses of Stow

By Lew Halprin

I was over at the Town Hall the other day when an older person asked me where the outhouse was. I’m sure he meant toilet and I directed him such, but it got me thinking. Surely in the days before indoor plumbing, when meetings were held at the old Town Hall, there must have been a need for an outhouse or two, but in none of the many pictures the town vault has of the Town Hall, did I see an outhouse.

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The Changing Face of Stow

By Nancy Arsenault

With recent tax hikes related to school projects and now looking at multiple proposed building projects potentially driving real estate taxes higher, it seems many longtime Stow residents are choosing to leave town. At the same time, home sales in Stow have risen slightly over the last few years according to real estate market reports. Who is selling and who is buying and how will it effect the town?

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New Pest Threat Found in MA Tree

By Nancy Arsenault
While the Asian Long Horned Beetle may have spared your most beloved shade trees, now it’s time to keep an eye out for the next deadly pest– the Emerald Ash Borer.

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Past Tense…Hives in Stow

By Lew Halprin It’s no secret that there are many apple farms in Stow, and during their growing and picking season, these farms provide a lot of part time employment to the residents of Stow, especially the younger residents.  But there is one group of very young workers that work at the farms only 2-4…

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Your Junk Just May be Treasure

by Nancy Arsenault
Before you undergo your next house or garage cleanout, consider what some local experts are saying about seemingly worthless junk. These days, everything from costume jewelry to old hand tools, lawn mowers, trophies, and broken appliances may be worth a lot more than you think.

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Past Tense: Stow’s Railroad Tracks…Designed 2000 Years Ago

Stow’s long defunct railroad ran from Marlborough, past Hudson, through Gleasondale, past Lake Boon, along the river through Maynard to Acton.  Its rails are spaced exactly 4 ft 8.5 inches wide.  Why such an odd number?  It’s nothing unique to Stow; in fact that’s the spacing of railroad tracks throughout the US, actually throughout most…

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A Cut-A-Thon for Tecumseh Foundation

By Ellen Oliver

On Sunday, September 9, Starz Salon in Sudbury is holding a Cut-A-Thon to support the Tecumseh Foundation, set up by William and Vanessa Hurley in honor of their son, Will, who passed away in May.

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Stow Walks for Cancer Cure

By Ann Needle
Chances are, every Independent reader has been touched by cancer, whether it is a family member’s diagnosis, a friend’s battle with the disease, or his or her own ordeal

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Past Tense…Lite Version of Stow’s History

Sitting on a shelf in the Town Vault was this copy of an article that had no identification of author, date or origin except for the curious initials “I.S.” at the end.  It is a very light capsulated version of Stow’s familiar history told in an unusual way that needs to be shared. Stow, a…

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